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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by ThinkMoreDimensional

  1. I don't know if this is the proper place to ask question about online play, but is there a way to make sure that certain pokemon aren't able to be traded through wonder trade? I know that wonder trading uses the party pokemon to do so, but I just want a safeguard against trading away one of my true party members.
  2. I believe that is updated for the day. There were 62 bugs left yesterday, and there are 30 left for today's update.
  3. I like this victory theme too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JUr64PGQ2I
  4. Can't wait to start up the game again. Fell off in v8, so I wanted to start anew. Wish me luck on getting a shiny starter, so far I have had no luck.
  5. The real joke is when she actually releases v10 on April 1st. Edit: Today we look at why we don't assume someone's gender
  6. I can't wait for the E18 story, it should be a blast to see how it all concludes (or if it doesn't in E18 and we have to wait for the last release). I also hope that this episode doesn't take as long to develop as E17. There are fewer things to do (according to the dev blog), but I guess we will find out when development of everything is in full swing.
  7. It was a bit complicated for me too, but what you need to do is put pokesnax in one of the containers, and then go back around, then fall in the hole right by that container. This will startle the Gible so it will battle you and you can catch it. (btw it is level 30, so don't hit it with anything too strong).
  8. Idea I have had for a while, which would combine two different games, Pokémon: Overwatch Edition. The time is even more into the future, after the time the game is currently set in. Pokémon appeared on Earth, and the use of Pokémon by Overwatch has given trust to the group. Now, you, along with a group of recruits are now flying to the Overwatch headquarters in King's Row, to receive a pokemon to eventually join the Overwatch team. I did like the style of Reborn, so I would take a lot of that game and put it into this one, including 18 gym battles (one for each type), field effects, and tall buildings. And since this takes place on a future Earth, a lot of flying too. It would also be fun to use canon evil teams, like Talon and Null Sector, as the evil teams of the game. I also like the idea of having the plot drive itself through missions that the player has to go on in different parts of the Earth (and space). That way I can easily introduce characters, and have it seem like a more cohesive Overwatch experience. Additionally, I am thinking of setting up the gym fights so that you can only earn a gym badge from an Overwatch agent if you battle them in their home country. For Example, if I were to script a Tracer gym battle, I would want to set it in England, so it would count. So to answer the questions, how would this be different: it has Overwatch characters as gym leaders, as well as partners to help you battle the enemy teams. Custom Sprites: yes, and quite a few of them if I am planning to include Overwatch characters, Omnics, and Null Sector. Fakemon, One of the things that I would love to include are Delta Pokémon, similar to Pokémon Insurgence, only a lot more of them. The fanmade Holon Dex, as well as all the spriters who choose to make these delta pokemon in their free time, are a great start. Some wanted them in Insurgence, but didn't get their chance. I would want to include some of these pokemon, even in gym fights as an Overwatch agent's ace (as well as have them be catchable later on). This would add both more variety to the game, as well as more features to the game. It's main feature: it's set in the Overwatch universe, with Pokémon. Overwatch maps become places where you fight and catch pokemon, defeat an evil team, I want it to feel like the animated shorts, which took the map environments and made them into scenic battle spots. I might have some space to be creative, but it will be fun for the player to recognize these places, and battle the evil teams there. However, there are some shortcomings to me starting this. First, I would need a sprite artist to design all of the overwatch sprites not only in battle, but also in the overworld (including the agents, omnics, Talon grunts, and null sector robots). Second, I would need a tile artist to design most of the buildings that would be present in overwatch, since most are probably not available in the basic Pokémon Essentials. Third, I like many of the Reborn Pokémon sprites, and with Episode 17 including Gen 7 Pokémon, as well as many more move animations (which I also love), I want to wait until that comes out before I decide to start (unless I can get them early). Other than that, I could learn how to code situations, create intense battles, and create Pokémon: Overwatch Edition. Edit: Also, using both Pokémon music and Overwatch music would be great for the soundtrack.
  9. I have already played through Insurgence to the current beta, but that was about two or so years ago. I plan to play through the entire thing again, with a brand new save file. For my team, I did use Delta Charizard, which is super useful early game since most trainers use normal type moves, and they don't effect delta charmander. Another one of my favorites was Delta Ralts/Gardevoir. You can catch Delta Ralts fairly early in the game (before the second gym), and the typing of Electric and Ice is very fun to use. The boltbeam combo is great to use, and especially helps considering it's wide range of effectiveness. It looks like you are planning to choose Eevee as your starter. Eevee is a good choice, however, I would refrain from evolving it, since not only is there a move tutor that can teach your Eevee its evolution's special, most powerful move, you can also mega evolve it, into Mega Eevee (you can also mega evolve your delta starter, as well as Delta Gardevoir). You can read more about it Here. Although these might be a bit different, it would still be good to give them a shot. Alternatively, you can enable purity mode before you start your run, which disables any delta pokemon that are special encounters, or starters (for example, you could get delta charmander as a starter, but with purity mode enabled, you would just get a charmander). Good luck on your run.
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