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  1. thanks for the link. yea the thing is i think i started this game about 3 times now and always quit at some point because i got kinda tired of it. I always got like 2-3 badges further and i dont rlly want to play it all again for a fourth time, even if it changed. Im gonna do a full playthrough from the start when the game is completed for sure tho :).
  2. hi, i kinda quit rejuvenation at badge 11 or so and deleted the game. Came back now and saw theres a new version out, but it says you should only update after you completed version13 content (15 badges). I still have the old save files, but im worried my game is gonna have gamebreaking bugs. Are the old versions of rejuvenation (only need version 13) still downloadable somewhere?
  3. ok thanks but i guess its bugged then, because i took elekid first
  4. Hi does anyone know how to get an electrizer? i looked in the item guide and it says after 6 badges talking to the prof in gearen lab, but hes only giving me the magmarizer. i have my electrabuzz in my party but nothing happens. (gameprogress wise i just beat crawli) thx for help
  5. Thanks you dude :) (saves a lot of time to just download a save instead of setting up a trade with someone)
  6. Vendor Name : @Starry Knight Requested Pokemon : 6 IV Ditto Offered Pokemon : Hoppip Gender : Male Ability : Infiltrator Nature : Quiet IV Spread : 7/16/2/23/18/14 EV Spread : All 0 Pokerus : No Shininess : Yes Item : Heart Scale Online ID & Time with timezone : Oskar . UTC +2 10am-12pm
  7. nice thank you very much my friend
  8. no problem thanks for helping me. Not much experience in trading..should i just "wait for request"?
  9. ingame name Oskar for trade
  10. yea no problem , I was also sleeping till now...guess we´re from different time zones. Im available now for the day
  11. Sry for answering so late.. yea sure i can give you a heartscale. Im online for 3-5 hours now
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