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About Tristram

  • Birthday 06/16/1998

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    Instagram: @tristandoyle16

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  1. That moment when I've been planning a fangame for years but I have to find a new title because someone used mine..

  2. Color me amazed and impressed. I thank you for this, and I think your smoother is interesting. However, I like the pixelated look, so I'll probably stick with the originals. Also, I think it's cool how you're making your game without RMXP and Essentials. I barely have the skills to work those, and I'm constantly asking questions. Good on you.
  3. I'm really liking these tutorials. Now I have an easier way of doing what was hard in the past.
  4. I'm a huge fan of gen 3, specifically emerald. Is there anywhere I can find a folder of pre-readied, pre-sized gen 3 sprites? I'm not a big fan of the gen 4 Pokemon sprites in Pokemon Essentials. Also, I could get the sprites as usual, but resizing it so each pixel is then four by hand is a grueling task. Also, I don't want all of the Pokemon from the first five generations. How do I shorten it? Sorry I'm a newbie, but I have a lot of questions. I appreciate each response.
  5. Well, I have RMXP, Pokemon Essentials, GraphicsGale, GoldWave, and FL Studio 12. Albeit the free versions for some of these. What do I do now? I hear somehow you are supposed to use RMXP and Essentials together, but I have no clue. Don't know where to start with anything here, really. Plus, Essentials is a slur of random graphics, lack of battle animations, strange music, and NPC's that spout coding nonsense I don't understand. Apparently FL Studio needs a registration key to upgrade from demo. Eh.
  6. Well, I have RMXP, Pokemon Essentials, GraphicsGale, GoldWave, and FL Studio 12. Albeit the free versions for some of these.


    What do I do now? I hear somehow you are supposed to use RMXP and Essentials together, but I have no clue. Don't know where to start with anything here, really.


    Apparently FL Studio needs a registration key to upgrade from demo. Eh. 

  7. I don't even know how to edit my signature now.
  8. Ah. It'll probably be a while for me, not having money for RMXP and all.
  9. Thanks a lot for the encouragement. I've been trying for years, but never seemed to get it. I'll try harder now. I guess people aren't editing ROMS anymore? That's what I've always done.
  10. Is there a good place to find these programs? Also, I've been told that doing these alone is not the smartest option. I have sprited a little in the past. Here's some examples.
  11. I've wanted to make a Pokemon fangame for as long as I can remember. However, despite all the ideas I've cultivated over the years, I can't do it. It's impossible. I don't know how to script. I don't know how to make tilesets. There is no easy way to do it, and no guide has ever effectively explained how to do anything. Where do I start, what are the necessary programs? I am told something different every time. I believe, being an artist and occasional writer, I have pretty good ideas and designs for such a venture, but I am alone and unable, for I lack the skills necessary to achieve this small dream of mine. What do I do guys? Where do I go from here, if I can go forward at all?
  12. Wow, everyone here had a much more creative description than I did. Next time I should go all out.
  13. This is my first post, so bear with me. What would your type and team be as a gym leader? For those who are indecisive, you can provide three teams with each having a different type focus. For example: 1. Team Type: Ground Pokemon: Steelix, Flygon, Rhydon, Golurk, Gliscor, Claydol 2. Team Type: Psychic Pokemon: Gardevoir, Metagross, Exeggcutor, Hypno, Jynx, Slowbro 3. Team Type: Grass Pokemon: Victreebel, Leavanny, Exeggcutor, Ludicolo, Torterra, Abomasnow Rules: No legendaries, unless they are those allowed in the Battle Frontier. Limit one legendary per team.
  14. I just joined and have no idea how the Rupees work.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ironbound


      Pretty soon rupees will be gone as a system, though. Why bother?

    3. Yours Truly

      Yours Truly

      Rupees will go the way of the dinosaur in the anarchy that will be after Ame decides to set everything on fire

    4. Tristram


      What do you mean?

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