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7 Fledgling

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  1. I etited some sprites aGame - Renee - 47 - 150h 36m - 3 badges - Lapis Pokemon Center.rxdata while back and everything was working fine untill today. I beat SGame.datSharedPC.rxdataGame.rxdataerrorlog.txthelly and now every time I get into a battle it crashes. the last two are just incase they would help EDIT: I undownloaded everything but the save files and redownloaded the game and it appears to be running just fine. I think that happened was that when I ran my computer cleaner something from the game might have gotten swept up by that and deleted erroneously.
  2. I'm starting a story run of Reborn and since my character technically was in another region they have some Pokémon from there. They don't have to be strong (no stronger than 5 even) but I already know how I'm going to work them in, just not how I'm getting them. I can send my save file -might take me second to remember how- but I would appreciate the assistance. Thank you all in advance, I don't need them right away but sooner is better than later. (Feel free to move this, or tell me where to move this if its in the wrong form)
  3. It's been years, lol and I finally decided to get back into it. Excited to start a new game, and new story with it since it's a fascinating tail. Course it's going to be a bit slow, but I don't mind. I'm just happy to get back into things.

  4. I am off my Hiatus! It's just taken a long time and I've had life. It is good to be back however, and I feel like I'm ready for just about everything

  5. Hey. I know I disappeared for some time but I'm alive with a new laptop. As such new game, and a new tale to tell. however unlike my last several attempts I am actually going to try to plot it out and play thru it so that I can have some screenshots, and a base idea of exactly how things will work out. 

  6. Thanks to @Candy for the Shiny Ralts and Gothita. I will be updating as soon a I get the insperation to. So sorry for the wait. Until then I'm fixing the other chapters
  7. Sorry I haven't done much. I've been a little buisy and a lot stressed.
  8. This is a really good start,and the writing is amazing. You know how to draw in your reader and keep them hooked the entire time, not to mention the way you are able to control the tome of the chapter. You pointed out the Absol to create a sense of unease, as many pokemon fans know that Absol only appears for those who it wants to warn. By doing this you also let us have a glimpse into the mind of MRC. He's nervous about going somewhere he dosn't know. Both of these factors are the signs of a talented author or storyteller. The fact that you didn't mention Julia kind of caught my attention, and I was wondering why that was. Julia was (to me) a very hard to miss person, due to her being so hyper. Perhaps she isn't so important in your run. But this is a first of the few that I have read.
  9. I'm gong to PM you when I finish this planing draft. I also get pains to write. I normally go darker so for me Alice is really hard but what I have planed might be a shocker.
  10. Hey don't worry about it. The spoilers just for fun you don't have to participate if you don't want to
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