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Everything posted by RadomusPsy
V13 - Savefile troubleshooting
RadomusPsy replied to Zumi's topic in Official Rejuvenation Club's Troubleshooting
I etited some sprites aGame - Renee - 47 - 150h 36m - 3 badges - Lapis Pokemon Center.rxdata while back and everything was working fine untill today. I beat SGame.datSharedPC.rxdataGame.rxdataerrorlog.txthelly and now every time I get into a battle it crashes. the last two are just incase they would help EDIT: I undownloaded everything but the save files and redownloaded the game and it appears to be running just fine. I think that happened was that when I ran my computer cleaner something from the game might have gotten swept up by that and deleted erroneously. -
just started Story Pokémon: Need Shinx, Ralts, and an Eevee
RadomusPsy replied to RadomusPsy's topic in Online Play
@Asnaeb Sorry, I thought I had the right section. But thank you for telling me :)- 4 replies
- early game
- cant offer anything in return
- (and 2 more)
just started Story Pokémon: Need Shinx, Ralts, and an Eevee
RadomusPsy replied to RadomusPsy's topic in Online Play
Update: Might have found a solution, but not completely certain quite yet. Hopefully this works out though- 4 replies
- early game
- cant offer anything in return
- (and 2 more)
just started Story Pokémon: Need Shinx, Ralts, and an Eevee
RadomusPsy posted a topic in Online Play
I'm starting a story run of Reborn and since my character technically was in another region they have some Pokémon from there. They don't have to be strong (no stronger than 5 even) but I already know how I'm going to work them in, just not how I'm getting them. I can send my save file -might take me second to remember how- but I would appreciate the assistance. Thank you all in advance, I don't need them right away but sooner is better than later. (Feel free to move this, or tell me where to move this if its in the wrong form)- 4 replies
- early game
- cant offer anything in return
- (and 2 more)
It's been years, lol and I finally decided to get back into it. Excited to start a new game, and new story with it since it's a fascinating tail. Course it's going to be a bit slow, but I don't mind. I'm just happy to get back into things.
I am off my Hiatus! It's just taken a long time and I've had life. It is good to be back however, and I feel like I'm ready for just about everything
Hey. I know I disappeared for some time but I'm alive with a new laptop. As such new game, and a new tale to tell. however unlike my last several attempts I am actually going to try to plot it out and play thru it so that I can have some screenshots, and a base idea of exactly how things will work out.
crossover Reborn- An (Extreamly) Batman Inspired run
RadomusPsy replied to RadomusPsy's topic in Team Showcase
Thanks to @Candy for the Shiny Ralts and Gothita. I will be updating as soon a I get the insperation to. So sorry for the wait. Until then I'm fixing the other chapters -
crossover Reborn- An (Extreamly) Batman Inspired run
RadomusPsy replied to RadomusPsy's topic in Team Showcase
Sorry I haven't done much. I've been a little buisy and a lot stressed. -
This is a really good start,and the writing is amazing. You know how to draw in your reader and keep them hooked the entire time, not to mention the way you are able to control the tome of the chapter. You pointed out the Absol to create a sense of unease, as many pokemon fans know that Absol only appears for those who it wants to warn. By doing this you also let us have a glimpse into the mind of MRC. He's nervous about going somewhere he dosn't know. Both of these factors are the signs of a talented author or storyteller. The fact that you didn't mention Julia kind of caught my attention, and I was wondering why that was. Julia was (to me) a very hard to miss person, due to her being so hyper. Perhaps she isn't so important in your run. But this is a first of the few that I have read.
crossover Reborn- An (Extreamly) Batman Inspired run
RadomusPsy replied to RadomusPsy's topic in Team Showcase
Thank you @Candy -
crossover Reborn- An (Extreamly) Batman Inspired run
RadomusPsy replied to RadomusPsy's topic in Team Showcase
Thank you. I'm moble at the moment. Hey do you know if there is a way to PM each other so you can give me a bit of assistance? -
This is great so far
This sounds like its going to be great
crossover Reborn- An (Extreamly) Batman Inspired run
RadomusPsy replied to RadomusPsy's topic in Team Showcase
Hey. I hope everyone likes this. I hope I don't sound pushy but I would love a bit of suport. Like, comment tell me how to improve. I enjoy this run (I will compleat it no matter what), but I want to improve. I can only do that with help. Sorry if my asking bugs you. You DO NOT have to do any of this. Also thank you @Candy for following. It means a lot to me. -
crossover Reborn- An (Extreamly) Batman Inspired run
RadomusPsy replied to RadomusPsy's topic in Team Showcase
Training was hard and long. Kind of boring if I was being honest. Me and Alice had returned to the Castle, and Radomus was again watching over out training contently. "Both of you are at very similar levels," He called walking up. "I would like to see a battle between the two of you." "Interesting idea Radomus." Alice smiled as Radomus lead us to the field. "You ready for this Decibel?" "Yah, Nightshade, let's see what they are made out of! First Pokemon she sends out use Infestation!" I called sending out my first Pokemon. "Pop, use perish song!" Alice called shocking both me and Radomus, who gasped as the attacks both hit. "Now switch out with Pooch!" "Nightshade, return!" I called, with a smirk. "Stan take over! Use Fury Swipes!" "Pooch, bite!" Alice called happily. Again both attacks hit. "Don't let up!" "You too Stan!" I called smiling as Stan tossed Pooch off, before taking him out. "Now switch back out with Nightshade!" "Alright, go Ice!" Alice smiled, "Use fury attack!" "Infestation!"I smiled as Nightshade dodged the fury attack, sending tiny bug-lings towards Ice. The bug-lings quickly got to work biting at Ice. "Absorb!" I called, wincing as Ice caught Nightshade in a strong Fury Attack, not to mention Nightshades attacks were not doing a lot of damage. "Try a constrict!" "Harden Ice!" Alice called and I nodded. She was smart, strong and kind of cute. Constrict really didn't do much and sadly, the infestation died of, but I smiled as again Ice used harden. "Get a second infestation started Nightshade!" I called smiling brightly. "Keep hardening Ice!" Alice called, she had a plan. I could tell. But what it was I wasn't sure. "Keep it up!" I called as Ice went for a Fury Attack, missing and getting a second bunch of bug-lings. A second furry attack and Nightshade almost fainted luckily the infestation did it's thing and Ice fainted. "Good job Ice, now Killi your up next!" "Spy, your up now!" I called taking a few deep breaths. Spy was still learning, and didn't have very many good attacks. But I trusted her, and I knew she could at least assist in taking down Killi. "Bite!" Alice called and I nodded "Covet." I nodded, smiling as Spy jumped over the attack and delivered a good blow. "Scratch!" Again Spy was faster, attacking and then getting out of the way. "Keep going Killi!" Alice called, and I winced as he garbed Spy's arm in his mouth. Luckily one final scratch knocked him out. "You still good Spy?" I asked smiling as she nodded. "Then let's keep going!" "Alright, Shell it's your turn!" Alice called. "Water gun!" "Confusion!" I called smiling as Spy jumped over the water gun and hit the confusion. Sadly the second hit, and did a considerate amount of damage, almost knocking Spy out. "Alright Fang take over and use bite!" Fang is fast, but this time Shell was faster, hitting fang with a water gun. Luckily Fang locked onto Shell, holding him tight. After a little bit, Shell fainted. "Alright, your doing really good Decibel. But I still have two more Pokemon. Rat, it's your turn!" Alice smiled sending her out. "Use bite again Fang!" I called nodding as the battle commenced. "Quick attack!" Alice yelled proudly, as Rat's attack hit first, nearly knocking Fang out, luckily Fang did hit. "Fang return! Bucky take over!" I called letting out the breath I didn't know I was holding as Rat nearly fainted. "One more headbutt!" This headbutt knocked Rat out, leading to her final Pokemon. Pop, the one Pokemon I somewhat feared. "Alright this is the last one Bucky. Headbutt!" I called pulling my hair behind my ear. Letting out a small sigh, I smiled as Bucky hit not once but twice, knocking Pop out. "Good job, both of you. I am extremely proud of your progress." Radomus smiled proudly, gently pulling us close. "Now let''s get those Pokemon healed." Nodding me and Alice followed Radomus to the center. Handing our teams to Joy we sat at a small table. Shaking his head Radomus leaned back in his chair and I could tell something wasn't right. Something was bothering him. "Want to talk about it?" I asked gently placing a hand on his shoulder. "I mean I'm willing to try to help." "I know Decibel, it's just I fell like something is going to happen. Something we are not going to be able to prepare for and that is going to either strengthen our bonds, or tear us apart." Radomus admitted, covering his eyes with his top hat. "And that is something I don't want to happen." "I'm not going to let anything tear us apart." I assured and Alice nodded. "Yah, I highly doubt anything will be big enough to do that!" Alice added proudly. "Were friends, and it's going to take more than a little something." Radomus smiled weekly, for a moment before it quickly faded back into full sorrow. It was clear that he was having trouble beveling that we would not be hurt. A dark shadow was hanging over his heart, consuming his being with every moment. "We should train some more, get a few more levels. Then we can challenge Julia again." I suggested, deciding to change the subject in hopes to lighten the mood. "Then Alice can have a go at it. See if she can beat Julia any easier." "I agree. I think training then challenging Julia would be the best option at the moment. Sorry about dampening the mood, it's just. I really am worried that something might happen." Radomus nodded standing as Joy walked up. "I'll meet you both back in the training room." "You're Pokemon are both healed. However I have some unfortunate news about your Espurr." Joy bowed her head leading me and Alice to a back room. On one of the tables lay Spy, left arm completely missing. "It was too severely damaged by the bites. It had to be removed." "It's fine, she can still battle right?" I asked bowing my head in shame. Alice let out a strained gasp. "Of course. She's feeling much better already and I think she would be mad if she wasn't allowed to battle. Just be very careful with her." Joy smiled opening the door, allowing me t enter the room. "Hey Spy. I'm really sorry about your arm. I should have been more careful." I sighed kneeling beside her. "You think you can forgive me?" "Purr?" Spy asked tilting her head. "Espurr Pur." "Were going to head back to train some more, are you going to join us?" "Espurr!" Spy cheered with a nod smiling as I returned her to her ball. Collecting the rest off my team I headed out, walking right past Alice to the training room. A small twinge of guilt entered my heart when Radomus quietly muttered something that sounded like an "Oh no." "Decibel?" Julia called quietly, tilting her head lightly walking up. "Look I'm sorry about what happened with Spy, it was an accident." "I know Alice, I just need some alone time with Spy. I don't blame you at all. I blame myself for mot being any more careful." I nodded, closing my eyes. "It's not safe to throw caution into the wind, that's why I'm going to train and beat Julia." "Alright Decibel, but if you want any help, I'm here for you." Alice responded letting out a small sigh. "Don't let this get to you too much alright?" Nodding I turned back to my training, sending Bucky, Fang, Nightshade and Stan to get some levels as well. "Decibel. Look we need to talk. I really don't know all that much about you. I mean yes we are close but we should know a bit more about it then this." Alice suggested walking up. "I never chose to become the champion, my mom told me to." I paused turning to Alice. She was small but defiant. It was hard to think that her mother forced her. " So you only.plan on collecting badges so that your Pokemon obey?" I asked with a small sigh. "So you can help clean the city up right?" "Yah. That's all I want to do. Help people." "I joined team Aqua as an escape. My name isn't Decibel Smith. It's Decibel Darkshield." I sighed keeping an eye on Nightshade. "I'm betrothed to a man that I don't love. Archie promised to free me, reminded me that I had a choice." "I'm gay." Alice admitted with a small blush. "My parents don't know yet and I don't plan on telling them anytime soon." "I did identify as transgender for the longest time. I never went thru with anything because I wasn't confidant enough." I shrugged turning back to my training. Letting out a small sigh I returned my pokemon and walked ovrt yo were Radomus stood. -
crossover Reborn- An (Extreamly) Batman Inspired run
RadomusPsy replied to RadomusPsy's topic in Team Showcase
Ok, I just learned that Randomus' name is actually Radomus there s no N. I looked it up and it looks like others remember it he same. What? -
Request-A-Mon Thread! (Pokemon Reborn Savefiles Only)
RadomusPsy replied to Simon's topic in Team Showcase
I went to the bridge (were the lands at normal is) but it was a panpour. It's been a while since I played so I didnt mind at the time too much. But I'm never going to use it. So can I request a pansear or (2nd) A pansage Or if its possible a lvl 10 (curent level of the pokemon) shiny ralts- 1019 replies
- save file
- custom mons
(and 2 more)
Tagged with:
crossover Reborn- An (Extreamly) Batman Inspired run
RadomusPsy replied to RadomusPsy's topic in Team Showcase
It wasn't long befor me an Decibel were standing outside Julia's gym, which was located in an old electronics storage and pyrotechnics containment facility. "You ready Dec?" I asked turning to them smiling brightly. Decibel didn't move, merely staring at the sky. "What are you looking at?" "I-It's nothing. I just thought I saw something in the clouds." Decibel sighed, clearly uncertain. "Let's just head in before either of us get sick." "Alright Dec." I nodded walking in with a smile, pausing as A hologram of Ame appeared in front of us. "Hey Alice, Decibel. You made it to Julia's gym? Good job!" Ame smiled with a light chuckle. "I hop you two are prepared for Julia's electric terrain, it can be a bit of a bitch if not taken care of." "Thank you for the advice Ame." I smiled as the hologram disappeared, looking around the room. "It looks like were going to have to blow the doors up." Decibel nodded walking ahead finding a Voltorb and leading it to the door. Once they reached it, the Voltorb exploded blowing a hole in the door. Continuing along we took out four doors before reaching Julia's room. "Hihi Decibel, you here for your battle?" Julia asked with a bright smile. "Then welcome to the Supper- Duper Ultra-Hyper Electro-Hyper Dazzel- Happy Boom Time House of Cheer" "The what?" Decibel asked raising her eyebrow in confusion. "No matter, let's start the battle." "Alrighty! Let's do this go Min-Min!" Julia called sending out her Minun. "Bucky, your up first!" Decibel nodded, sending him out. "Bucky use headbutt!" "Min-Min Charge beam!" Julia called. Charge beam was fast and strong, almost taking Bucky out, however Bucky was able to hit with Headbutt, but didn't do near as much damage. "It's the field, it's powering her attacks! Bucky let's see if you can hit a second Headbutt!" Decibel called as Julia let out a small chuckle "Not happening Decie! Charge Beam!" Min-Min was faster, and the attack hit, knocking Bucky out. "Return Bucky, Stan! Poison Gas! She's raising her special Attack, but let's see if she can handle poison." Decibel called sending her out, smirking ever so slightly. "Min-Min end this, Charge beam!" Again she was faster, hitting Stan hard, a critical hit. Stan fainted. "Not bad Julia, but I'm not willing to give up. Fang your up next! Take out this pesky Minun!" Decibel called returning Stan. "Charge Beam Min-Min!" Julia called, gasping as Fang jumped over it, landing on Min-Min with a bite. "Try again Min-Min!" "Fang keep it up!" Decibel sighed as Julia shot a small potion dart at Min-Min, luckily Fan kept his hold, causing more damage with his Bite. "Ko him Min-Min!" Julia cheered as Min-Min shook Fang off and shot a charge beam at him. The attack was powerful easily knocking him out. "Alright, King let's do this. Leaf Tornadio!" Decibel called switching to her newly evolved Survine, the attack just about knocking Min-Min out. "Encor!" Julia called and Decibel shook there head as King attacked a second time. Sadly, Kind missed due to Min-Min's quick attack, twice. The third time King managed to out speed it and Knock it out. "Volty go!" Julia called switching to a Voltorb. "King keep it up!" Decibel called, pointing dramatically. King was fast, almost knocking Volty out with a single Leaf Tornado, before managing to dodge a sonic boom. Julia again used a potion dart much to Decibel's disappointment. "Vine whip!" They called, wincing as the Voltorb exploded on contact. "Aftermath." "Pompom!" Julia called switching again, this time to an Oricoro. "Vine whip again King!" Decibel called taking a deep breath. "Knock out the pesky snake, Air cutter!" Julia called, the attack almost knocking King out. "Leaf Tornaido!" Decibel nodded hissing as the attack missed and a second Air cutter knocked King out. "Spy, I'm leaving this up to you!" Spy was almost knocked out by an Air cutter but did manage to hit with a confusion, a second air cutter took out Spy. "Lieutenant your the only one left. Let's see if you can do this!" Decibel called switching out nervously. It was clear from there body language, they knew they were defeated. A single Air cutter taking out Lieutenant. "Hey, you tried your best. Why don't you go train a bit, then challenge me again tomorrow!" Julia called and Decibel nodded, returning Lieutenant with a quiet apology. "I'll see you both tomorrow." Leaving the gym I slowly turned to Decibel who gently shook her head. "There is a man with a garden full of bug types, I think we should go there, perhaps get another teammate." "Alright Decibel, but Poke center first." I suggested leading the way. "You did really good Decibel." "Thanks Alice. That's amazing coming from you. I think there might be Spineracs in the garden so I think I might catch one of those, then switch with Lieutenant. In the alleyway there were Poochiana, so one of those might help." Decibel nodded handing Joy there team. "I think you should catch one." "Agreed, I think a Poochiana will help my team out a lot." I smiled as Joy healed there team before handing it back to Decibel. After leaving we reached the garden, entering it, Decibel quickly gasped. "Decibel?" I asked turning to them. Frezing my eyes widened. It was a Spinerac, but it wasn't green, yellow red and blue. It was red and black, sparking ever so slightly. "It's shiny Alice. I'm going to call it, Nightshade." They smiled proudly, quickly catching it. Not long after I ran into a silver and blue Beedrill I named Ice. Leaving the garden, we entered the first alleyway. As Decibel trained I started my search for a Poochiana, after a bit I caught one naming it Pooch.