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70 Samaritan


About Thiazzi

  • Birthday November 4

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    In DutchyLand

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  1. There is just so much to say... First of all, thank you to everyone involved. I've had a blast playing the game and I can't wait to play E19. Second, the wallpapers are amazing! And finally, it feels so weird to not be able to go to the Devblog anymore... I'm gonna miss that place.
  2. E19 is out... It's actually hard to believe for me. I spent close to 1000 hours into this game back when I was a kid and I honestly can't wait to play it again. I'm quite busy these weeks, so I think I'll pass until the open release. Then I'm going to play through the whole story with a mono steel team (again) and I'm excited to see all the new stuff. Big thanks to everyone who contributed to the game!

  3. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  4. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  5. After too much time, 23675 encounters and almost all of my patience, I finally found a shiny Giratina in my Platinum savefile!


    1. Dante52


      I salute your fortitude!

  6. King's Sword Type: Steel Category: Physical Contact: Yes Power: 100 Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 (max 16) Target(s): One Priority: -3 Description: The user takes an offensive stance and waits for the opponent to hit. If the user is not hit, this attack will hit with double the power. Pokemon that can learn it: Aegislash At the start of the turn Aegislash turns to its Blade Form, which makes him vulnerable to all damaging moves. However, if Aegislash does not take damage this turn, King's Sword does double damage.
  7. i feel kinda bad about it since we're still far from a release....................... You don't have to feel bad about it! I check this devblog every day and whenever there is an update (even if it's a small one), it makes me really happy. And sometimes it can even make my day.
  8. I like this blitz of devblog posts. Always a good idea to keep the hype up.
  9. Happy Christmas to all of you and thank you for this Christmas gift!
  10. development blog post: "for the progress bars, each lengendary will magically gain its own set of "eventing/story/mapping" bars while it is being worked on" Doesn't this imply that the completed legendaries will magically lose their set of subbars? Otherwise, at the end there would be something like 110 bars in total and we all know how that looks like...
  11. game.rxdata You only need to move the 6th column now.
  12. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

    1. Thiazzi


      Thank you very much!!

    2. LykosHand


      You're welcome 😄

  13. For the ones that want to know how active I am on these forums:


    After a few years and 4 episodes of Reborn, I finally figured out how to post a status update!

    1. doombotmecha


      Lmao, I'm just the opposite. I've been posting here for years and it wasn't until this year that I beat Shade for the first time.

  14. I think that it is very hard to complete the bottom row after the first two rows are already completed. My advice would be to start all over again and finish the complete first column before moving to the second. Then complete the second row before you start with the third, etc. I think that this is the best and fastest way for you to complete the puzzle.
  15. I wrote a guide about this puzzle a while ago. I really encourage you to work column by column, instead of row by row. Although I think both ways are possible, I think the column-method is easier. Also, your current squares as shown below are not correct. There are three 6s over there. I hope that the guide or the video can help you solve it. If you have questions, feel free to ask. And if you eventually don't manage to solve it, just send your save-file and I can solve it for you. Good luck!
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