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  1. what is the decision for gen 7 movepools instead of gen 9? (just curious, i think i like both gens movepools equally.. gen 9 is easier but i actually kinda love having more breedmoves
  2. the movepool compilation link is a mess sadly. i dont know all movepools in my head so i can compare the changes. but it only lists the updated version, not what got changed. another question: when did you include these movepool changes? i got an old installation and cannot remember to have read this back in the day (1-2 years ago, dont remember) did i get "lucky" (for my own preferences) or did i just not realize it yet? looking at charizards moves for example, how is that "balanced" by giving him just so many extra moves
  3. just.. do you think it would be possible to have this optional? i really dont want movepool changes but i like all eevees and gen 8/9 a lot
  4. does this mod exist for desolation? also, your're using custom movesets, is this a big change from the basegame? im a noob and kinda rely on the wiki :D
  5. yeah i can get behind absol, never liked it and forgot why we encounter it. mimikyu i still wouldnt take. the mc doesnt really know about shades motives for nearly the whole game and we dont really know that shade is suporting us. if u want mimikyu its for personal or power reasons, not coz the MC would canonically pick one up. also, wasnt it in mirage tower? thats like.. way to much effort. getting others of the pulse species you could argue but the others make even more sense id say. you basically always get some of them. just think of the gang pokemons or randalls clefki garchomp makes more sense now, allthough i wouldnt know why the canonical mc would denie takas whish to fight him in the WTC. medicham, guardevoir but i remembered one more pretty canonical mon: clefki! and in e19 you get a sylveon thats not really an option to miss as well
  6. I think garchomp/agislash are really not relevant and easily missed. If you want to play them, it's for power reasons. Which is ok but I then admit it :D Also mimikyu takes like forever and I think the whole tourmaline desert is off the charts. The main character would go straight to the scrapyard. I also dislike using pulse Mons since the pulse machine really hurts and probably kills the Pokémon it uses during the fight. Getting A. Tales after a certain characters incident makes lot of sense. I would really like an eeveelution but only one makes sense to me and thats only after glass gountlet. Medicham, guardevoir, steelix can't be used, e19 reasons. And what's the reasoning behind absol? More suggestions: The Pokémon you steal for team magma/aqua. The Pokémon you get later in from magma/aqua. You get more than one so maybe just 2 out of these 3? Then, one of the Pokémon you safe from the daycare scam? Technically you need to give them back but maybe one of them grows so close to you that it just likes you more? I think my team would be: Starter Kriketot Growlithe Mystery egg Gang Pokémon (one of the 3) One of Corey's/Ames/Luna's team Maybe need to swap out that kriketune because of power reasons. Edit: maybe the zekrom reshiram thing makes garchomp actually a part of the plot and I'm wrong on that end. But aegislash just seems wrong since it's Tania's main. On the other hand, I think the MC would definitely chose the way, which leads to roaming the desert alone l, without taka.
  7. Love the passwords system! I asked once per PN but will do again: if it's easy to implement, a "nickname" to remove any instance of nickname questions would be really great. The namechanger would still be there if needed
  8. sure just do so. just pm me with the exact times ur gonna be online and ill try to get there
  9. how did u get a black flabebe? my shiny one has got another colour lol
  10. hey, do u have a perfect magikarp left? i could offer 5iv larvestar/charmander or torchic..
  11. do you have shiny ralts/torchic/larvesta with good IVs? and also, i would be interested in 2 ralts if u have the following: male with bad IV stat on special attack and female with bad IV stat on attack. (meaning 31/30 on all stats that matter)..^^ i could offer tons of shinies and high IVed: charmander (outrage/dragon dance), eevee, growlithe (close combat)
  12. hey, im interested in your shiny eevee and a feebas with good IVs on everything except attack (if u can get one of those..) also im interested in your zorua (1 shiney if IVs are decent, 1 common) i could offer a 3x30/3x31 bug type (larvesta) for future breeding or some other high IVed pokemon (speaking of 30/31s on all 6) or some shinies, got a lot of those.. (purrloin, mantine, oddish, sunflore, arbok, druddigon, bouffalant, wailmer, sandshrew, magcargo, spheal, bidoof, ducklet, woobat, mankey, porygon, paras, noctowl, bellamy, kecleon, charmander, beedrill...) greetings
  13. Hey Id like to do some trading with you, i can offer: Nearly perfect IVs on: Charmander (Dragon Dance, Outrage, Dragon Pulse) Eevee Torchic (31 all) Growlithe (Close Combat) Zubat (not thaat good, average of 28.6 or so, knows bravebird+hypnosis) (Of most of those i could offer 2 versions so you can keep breeding for your Tradingshop ) Then to the shineys (only listing some "cooler" ones): 2x Charmander (one of those with decent IVS for a Special-hitting Charizard, thats my greatest one x) ) 1x Growlithe 1x Flabebe 1x Absol 1x Druddigon 1x Bouffalant 1x Bibor 1x Arbok (looks dope) Also i can offer Larvesta and Axew, would have to breed them though. Aaaand now i stumbled over your "order" thingy. A bit too tired, and also would need to write that stuff out like 10 times. I would prefer 1-2 PMs here if you are interested in anything here. I do not focus on nature or ability since you can edit those in reborn (costs 1 heartscale and a little patience), if you want i can trade my 'Mons with a heartscale / ability capsule each^^ Also, im keeping to work on good IVed pokemon, so we could share those in the future. What im looking for: Playable shineys (Zubat, Fennekin, Ralts, if IVs are good/decent) Turtwig and Chespin One Female of every good IVed pokemon Greetings, Maomaer *Edit: I'd also like to join the raffle Trade name is Lumina. *Edit 2: I also got the Pokerus hehe
  14. Hey guys, i need some help: Thanks a lot!
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