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Chin Chin

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Chin Chin

  1. Im trying to get vespiqueen crest and ive interacted with all the chests in wispy ruins, wispy tower ruins and the gym one do i need to press smth to open the gate?
  2. Chin Chin

    hi again

    Ayeeee something to enjoy during the next 3 quarantines!! BLESS!!!
  3. Chin Chin

    Gen 8 Sprite Pack

    Who wants to bet if people will ask if this includes DLC content
  4. Greetings! Is there perhaps a guide or a changelog of the new relationship points?
  5. Dont really wanna stress devs or smth im just excited like everyone, what is the most logical ETA of v12? (not considering possible personal problems that can come up)
  6. So after a meeting with kakori and venam arriving in the island melia asks how i am doing (I'm alright, Could be worse, Terrible) Does anyone know if there are any relathionship points changes during this choice?
  7. The room that unlocks after you beat the puppets has 4 numbers. Are they of any use?
  8. Chin Chin

    HM Fly

    i prefer using golden wings, if you got spare ap and dont really want to teach fly to a pokemon go to the hotel in east gearen
  9. I didnt expect ICSW, i havent collected the berries yet And honestly, i think many people will agree with me, take all the time you need
  10. I 've noticed some people saying new relathionship points have been added in the newest episode Does anybody know or have an updated guide?
  11. Btw i didnt find the shared pc mod on this modpack. Do i need to put the one from v10 in the mod file?
  12. Thanks to everyone that were involved in the modpacks!!! You guys are the heroes we need P.S.: Happy new year!!
  13. damn i gotta wait 1 more day for the occa berries to wrap it up thanks though
  14. get a zorua evolve him and go to the move relearner in axis univeristy (takes less time than grinding till lvl 50+)
  15. aquamarine cave has changed i suggest exploring it specifically where there is a hole and a ledge maze
  16. the poliwag in valor mountain has changed completely it isnt anymore outside the cave of awakening
  17. i ve searched everywhere and the only door i come across keeps saying locked in the room with the 2 workers and the scientist Edit: Nvm just found it, i thought it was just a wall anyways thanks
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