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15 Fledgling

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  • Alias
    The Legend 27
  • Interests
    Game of War! (JK)

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  1. Thanks, managed to complete the quest.
  2. Hi @Zarc, been a while since i came here. Can you provide me with the following mons so i can breed the eggs? I'm already looking for a few mon to catch like rowlet, but others are unavailable to me or a bit harder / weather or time dependand. - bulbasaur - squirtle -chikorita - cyndaquil - totodile - chimchar - chespin - rowlet - litten -popolio
  3. Nps Anyways i've got a different yet related question: Where is eustace? i'm delivering the pokemons for DJ Archlight, found the bald dudes, his uncle and his mom but i dont know where i can find the little guy nor where too deliver de balddudes jigglypuff ? Appreciate the help! I just realized this is an ep 17 quest XD think ep 18 would have been easier with mega's
  4. oh i'll look into that then..
  5. but the band isn't available yet or?
  6. … How do Z-moves work? secondly, is the band for the megastones available?
  7. I thought you meant the item leftovers … XD
  8. Can't wait to make Marcello look like mediocore mathematician. For reals tho, hope it'll be solvable with some effort... No idea how much time he spent trying
  9. hey, I'm looking for a normal phinoe Cant seem to find mirage tower anymore ??? :S
  10. Ditto's reproduce by fission, hence you can't obtain a Ditto egg.
  11. @Gentleman Jaggi @Amphibi Regarding his moving through ageta and too the other cities: Anyways, I'd be really suprised if Cain would betray the protoganist. Mostly because Anna seems to take a huge liking (loving) towards Cain and Anna is hinted to have certain powers / knowledge, for example regarding Shade.
  12. Next episode is months, years if not decades away. For real, if you dont mind waiting 6 months to find out for sure, dont battle Noel. but here's the Obvious answer: Both Noel and Anna have their dolls, Cosmos and "help me remind it". Anyways, Noel's doll (cosmos) = a clefairy doll and therefore its highly unlikely that Noel will have a team without pokemon Clefairy (evolve-line). The dolls play an important part in Anna's conversation lines. Same can probably be said for Anna, when we fight her she'll likely have a Jirachi in her team.
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