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  1. Hey guys, im looking for genderless mons with min. 4 perfect IVs on spots that matter: mainly Porygon and Beldum males with 5 or preferrably 6 perfect IVs for different egg groups except the field group. some of the starters (preferably female): Squirtle, Piplup some of the mystery egg mons: female Drilbur What i can breed in return, having min. 4 perfect IVs (5 perfect IVs and/or natures as well as PokeRus on request): with Egg moves / Hidden Power: Marill with Aqua Jet and Belly Drum Male Riolus with Bullet Punch and Crunch Shroomish with Bullet Seed Pawniard with Sucker Punch and Pursuit Mudkip with Avalanche Froakie with HP Fire (two female ones and three males in stock) Roselia with Leaf Storm and/or HP Rock generic: Axew, Larvesta, Torchic, Froakie, Goomy, Chimchar, Tyrunt, Ralts unique shinies: Male shiny Togetic, Jolly, 5 perfect IVs (19 Atk) Female physical shiny Goomy, Adamant, 4 perfect IVs, 28 Def IV (13 Sp. Atk) Male shiny Larvesta, 4 perfect IVs, 26 HP IV Female shiny Larvesta, 3 perfect IVs, 15 HP and 25 Def IV Male shiny Shroomish, Adamant, 4 perfect IVs, 21 Def IV Female shiny Roselia 4 perfect IVs, 15 HP IV Female shiny Croagunk, 4 perfect IVs, 19 Speed IV Female shiny Darumaka, Jolly, 4 perfect IVs, 23 Sp. Def IV Two Male shiny Riolus, but with bad IVs some unique higher Level stuff: Lv. 84 Roserade, Jolly, 5 perfect IVs, EV trained in Sp. Atk and Speed 16 PP Giga Drain 16 PP Venoshock 8 PP Leaf Storm 10 PP Toxic Lv. 71 Greninja, Modest, 5 perfect IVs, (4 Atk IVs), EV trained in Sp. Atk. and Speed Lv. 38 Infernape, Jolly, 5 perfect IVs, (4 Sp. Atk IVs), EV trained in Speed and partial in Atk (134) Lv. 41 Azumarill, Adamant, 5 perfect IVs, knows Aqua Jet
  2. Im interested in Larvesta, Zoroark and maybe Lucario, and i can offer: Shroomish Female Adamant 5x Perfect IV (29 Sp. Atk) Shiny Shroomish Male Adamant 4x Perfect IV (21 Def, 24 Sp. Atk) Axew Male Adamant 4x Perfect IV (21 Sp. Def, 23 Sp. Atk) Further interesting Shinys: Shiny Goomy Female Adamant 4x Perfect IV (28 Def, 13 Sp. Atk) Shiny Beldum Rash HP 30 Atk 27 Def 5 Sp. Atk 16 Sp. Def 31 Speed 11 Shiny Froakie Male Gentle 4x Perfect IV (12 HP, 2 Sp. Atk )
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