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6 Fledgling


About Mia789

  • Birthday 12/02/1990

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  1. I probably should have but sadly I only posted endscreens of battles on my redditposts. Most of the fights were a lot of resets and I used Litemode (starting with Hardy's gym battle). 90% of the run were resets and mostly luck (and patience) not skill. Without Litemode I wouldnt be able to do it. *ashamed*
  2. Finally I can post my till now hardest run here: Bonsly was just impressive as tank with Eviolite and Suckerpunch was helpful in more situations than I could count. Magby was great with his speed and Flamebody and nice movepool. Elekid was similar to Magby a great helper with more moves than I ever epected it could know. Munchlax was as expected a great tank and good hiter with Bodyslam & Rockslide after I set up with either Curse or Belly drum and Leftovers healed enough to survive. Smochoom did a good job early and midgame and even lategame with his ice & psychic moves but the most important feat was Perish Song who saved me in multiple hard battle when Quick Claw activated. Mantyke a Pokemon I never would have respected that much before. Tailwind Ice Wind Scald and Air Slash were just the combination I needed. Tailwind helped in so many situations when I was to slow. Riolu was useful in certain fights as well as Pantimimi. Bonsly was useful early game and in some fights midgame. (Dont undermatimate Poison Point.) Togepi oh Togepi my Metronom saver. I was stuck in earlygame against Shade (and a few others) forever and Metronom saved me a lot of times after over a hundred tries. Pichu Chingling Cleffa and Igglybuff worked well early game but soon fell off and got switched out as soon as possible. Azurill Wynaut and Happiny as well as Tyrogue never had the chance to shine.
  3. Welcome cute lurkerkitten. (Sry I just love your profile picture) I am also a big fan of Espeon and fairy is one of my most favorite types besides fire and normal. I wish you the best of fun and luck in your adventures. What I really love about this community is that all are really helpful and nice if you have a problem want to chat or if you are lost and there are already acutla guides for episode 19 if needed. I also had a lot of fun with Mono psychic after playing a lot of times trough the game.
  4. Normaly he should show up after you have won against Titania bought all Pokemon (which you already did) Have you rescued the daycare couple before restoration and circus arc? than Ditto should have shown up with the other daycare pokemon when you did the puzzle with them. If you didnt save them ditto should show up now at 7th street rdy to buy for you. If you didnt get ditto yet I would check 7th street out to be safe.
  5. As far as I know you can only leave after beating Sapphira and than another battle against Terra. I wernt able to leave even after getting my badge
  6. I really like your list and I can agree with nearly everything. I am kinda surprised to see Psychic & Normal in the middle. Maybe it was just me with luck or so but I found these 2 runs the easiest with who were also my first 2. Electric and Dragon were the hardset for me as well and Fairy was the beginning and lategame a horror for me. Fire was middle hard for probably cause I didnt use Blazekin for once^^. I really enjoy listening to the experiences all had with their monoruns.
  7. I beat the first and second e4 run with this team I started back in episode 15 I think when you still could get Magnezone & Ralts relatively early better side before they got transfered after the Cricus arc. My Flemmli was a shiny from the start of the game same as ralts. Larviatar & Hydropi I breed for them to be shiyn and Poipole I wanted to shinyhunt but was shiny on my first try recieving it as well. So I think I used nearly all my shinyluck early with gettign most of them on the first time. Naganadel was great help with his variable movepool and Magnezone & Swampert are incredible good tanks. Blazekin recieved the megastone and most of the type sweeped enemies with his power. Guardevoir had Telepathy so in double battles it never got hit. Nearly everyone of my team had protect as well and Magnezone had toxic to rub some salt in the wounds of the enemies. MY team may not be the best but they are all my favorite pokemon and the first team I ever started reborn many many years ago. (Zekrom Path) Most of the team is invested in Attack/spA and speed beside Swampert who recieved HP.
  8. I acquired the Sylveon in Labradorra City transfered it to the box and tried to take the Ribbon Collar of it but I only got this Error Message and the game crashed. But if I send it to my team and take the collar of there it works without problems. It only seem to happen if you try to take the collar while it is in the box. Seems to be something recent cause the first time I played trough (19.01 I think) it I send it to the box and took the collar from there without problems.
  9. Not sure this is the right place but I hope it is alright to ask it here. Has anyone manage to find Corey's Crobat? I guess it wasnt added in episode 18 before. I found every other member of him except Crobat and I feel kind of bad for not finding it and wanted to ask if anyone can give me at tip.
  10. I am late to the party but wanted to finish the game compeltly before posting. A big big thank you for this great game. I still remember how I first found this site many many years ago when I was searching for an Absol picture and found this one with "Pokemon Reborn" on it. I was so curious what this game is and fell completly in love with this game. I still have the old version to remember the time when I first started and had major problems with Shelly on my very first playtrough. I loved how diffrent it was compare to the vanilla games and than I found Rejuvenation and more games as well. I love Rejuvenation and enjoyed a lot playing it but Reborn still had the bigger space in my heart even more cause of a lot of characters I fell in love with. The improvements and changes to the early game and some characters are just brilliant and much more enjoyable than before. I was so hyped for the release of this final episode but oh man the wait was definetly worth it. This game is a treassure and I am so glad an thankful you shared it with all of us.
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