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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Mia789

  1. Congrats she is for me one of the harder to beat Leaders. Excadrill was also a MVP in a few walktroughs for me. Yeah I saw it too. I just hope he will pick it up soon again. I love his commentary but sadly the Sword extreme randomizer doenst interest me that much. A lot of Yotubers I follow seem to do these runs now.
  2. Me too. I hope he talks to taka alot to find more about team meteor. The scrappuzzle will let him go crazy, I am stuck sometimes myself even after finishing a lot of times without a guide. I hope he finds atleast one oasis and wonders why it vanishes. His reactions would be priceless
  3. You nailed it perfectly. I sometimes enjoy watching youtube use them in playtroughs in dire situations but they normaly use a few and not power themselves up to the maximum. Also I am one of those people that torture myself to the end an try diffrent strategies and read every tip and note he rarely does it like you said before. I Maybe I dislike using them cause I never knew or cared about them till I saw people use them in videos. But I agree a few would miss them. Anyway I am curious how his journey will unfold and how long we have to wait for the next episode. Sadly I am not that interested into his other plays as much as Reborn and hope he doesnt take a long break.
  4. True Reborn is the best Pokemon game I ever played for me. I liked Rejuvenation, Fullmoon and Insurgence a lot but nothing is as good as Reborn. I love the story the characters and the oerall difficulty (but with means to pass it) I am glad he didnt quit and trained 2 other mons for the gym battle he could use. I feel the same. Seeds are just strong but change each field but X-Items are always the same. I love his commentary just hope he will reduce them and not use them every battle. I dont want him to quit and loose a lot (like at the beginning) but I just didnt feel the exciting feeling in the last 2 episode with the X-Items.
  5. I know everyone can play like he/she/xe wants but I am kinda disapointed he won mostly (in my opinion) cause of I hoped he would forget to restock them and would try to win without. Like most guessed he forgot about the fire -> dragon mentioned. I just hope he doesnt tries to win every battle with this tactic now. I kinda loved seeing him struggling and winning anyhow. Cant wait to see him at the glass factory.
  6. True I never used X-items I rather torment myself with switching teams around and finding a tactic that works. I just hope he forgets he can buy them now. X items kinda take away the fun in my opinion and makes it easier.
  7. Adrieen was really hard for me the first few times. Braviary was my MVP in this fight and Mawile my nemesis. I think we will need a few tries. Not sure Ttar can beat adrieen with his luckpower. Not sure he has a lot of good mons against xem
  8. I hope he doesnt keep looking for the volunteeres for adrieen forever. And I am curious how his fight with adrieen will end. The mawile will make it difficult for his debbie I fear
  9. Ups I have been here for nearly 3 years and forgot to post in this thread. But never to late Known as: Mia Age: 28 years old Gender: Female Birthday: Dec, 02. 1990 Location: Austria Height: 172cm Hair Color: Dark brown Eye Color: a mix of green,blue and gray Lives with: alone with great conversation partners (aka plants) Pets: None Relationship status: Single Favourite Food: Changes all the time but atm rice with chicken Favourite Drink: Water Favourite Color: Depending on my mood. Atm blue Favourite kind of Music: Nearly everything Favourite Band: Linkin Park was my first really favorite Favourite Album: to many to choose Favourite Song: Snow Drive - Omoi Favourite Game: Warcraft 3 (but waiting for Reforged) Favourite Genre of Game: RTS Favourite Hobbies: Reading, writing, singing, collecting things (mostly mangas), swimming, walking in the woods (and getting lost) Favourite Movie: Phew thats hard to choose but I would say Scoop Favourite Shows: Once Upon a Time, Scrubs and a lot more Community questions: So, who are you?: I am Mia, I found this game and community trough searching for one of the hardest pokemon games. And well I am not dissapointed. I love reading mangas and fantasy novels as well as writing fantasy novels. I also love Pokemon but the games have become easier and easier each new generation thats why I love Pokemon Reborn, Uranium and others so much. Anything you're responsible for? Nope, just a lurker in the shadows commenting sometimes. If you had to choose one of your posts as your way to introduce yourself, which would it be? Sadly none that fits. Will hopefully come in the future. What can I talk to you about? Good question. Generally speaking I would say anything. I enjoy listening to people about their problems, news, achievments and more. I only give advice if wanted and keep secrets cause they are important. Dont know a topic I dont enjoy talking or better said listenting too. Closing statements? I am never good with parting words. Thank you for this amazing game! Each new version is better than the last and I am really excited for episode 19. I will gladly wait even if it takes 2 more years good things take time. I just hope we will survive the pain we will feel in this new episode.
  10. Nice cant wait for it. I know it will take still a lot of time but will there be a lvl cap for the pokemon for example 50 or 100? Will it only be 6vs6 or will we be able to choose the number of pokemon we want to battle against for example 3vs3?
  11. Mia789


    Have you tried finding kricketune in aventurine woods (Route 1) at night? Thats the only time it shows up. It is availavle in the South and also the North Woods, but the chance to meet one is in both cases only 5%. You are only unlucky. Good Luck in your search.
  12. Thank you for your fast answer. I didnt move the mods just started the "Game.exe" in the folder I downloaded of you. The error I get is : I read in a post that I shouldnt mix the original game with your mods so I only started your "Game.exe". PS: Should I edit my post? Sorry I didnt post a lot till now.
  13. Great idea I love all your mods. Just one question cause I cant play my old Pokemon reborn file anymore (get an error message when I start it) Is it possible to disable the mods to play without them? Or how will this work when the new version E19 ? (still a long time but the wait is worth it) You mentioned I shouldnt (and cant) mix your Mods with the regular version. Cause i cant even open a normal version
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