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Everything posted by hornynkz

  1. oh so the first zygarde didnt cost me any cells? I am pretty sure I paid 10 for it. Otherwise I dont understand your point. II have 40 cells and a Zygarde. I deconstruct. Now I have 40 cells and no Zygarde. Then I construct. I have 30 cells and a Zygarde.
  2. When I deconstruct my 1st 10% Zygarde, it says "10 Cells acquried", but my Cell Cube has still the same amount. Is this normal?
  3. it didn't feel hard at all. I did it on my first try. I think I focused on CC'ing one of the pokemon with Ampharos and killing the other, resulting in 2v1 eventually. Hardest fight in E18 for me were the lumberjacks in Sandy's sidequest
  4. I talked to everyone. Didnt complete the type:null quest and didnt buy all the stolen pokemon tho, but i dont think it should be related.
  5. Im doing my second playthrough and I just beat Radomus, went to the 7th street and the Elias looking guy isnt there. So ive read everything I could on this forum, watchet some walkthroughs... Ive finished the team Magma quest, beat everyone in 7th street including the Aqua leader. Any ideas?
  6. hornynkz


    I renowed Azurine Island in e17 and got Chikorita instead of Bulbasaur. Is there a way for me to get him?
  7. Unless I have really big trouble beating some gym i wont change my team. Ive been through a lot with my pokemon and i just cant put them away even tho i know they are not the best. Delphox Leavanny Heracross Mamoswine Amphaross Hydreigon Sylveonn Amphaross is absolute beast, he carried me all the way this episode.
  8. How do i catch him? He keeps running away
  9. So if there is no sign of Simon at the cemetery or his house, that means i havent met them at the Tanzan base and im unable to complete this quest?
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