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Rising Emperor

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Rising Emperor

  1. may some one help me out this keep popping up my game after I try to start it Exception: NoMethodError Message: undefined method `screensize' for nil:NilClass PokemonSystem:33:in `pbSetUpSystem' idk:56:in `startup' Main:1:in `block in <main>' 000:script yeetifier pro:307:in `eval' 000:script yeetifier pro:307:in `block in <main>' 000:script yeetifier pro:303:in `each' 000:script yeetifier pro:303:in `each_with_index' 000:script yeetifier pro:303:in `<main>' -e:in `eval'
  2. Sorry for the late reply but I believe it's my laptop is the problem. I just don't know what's wrong all my other games like reborn and desolation are working fine, but not the new version for Rejuvenation.
  3. Excuse me but can anyone help because when ever I start my game after the title screen shows up, my screen turns black but I can still hear my game playing in the background. May someone please help a brother out
  4. Gotcha thanks for the heads up bud. Lucky I'm on both those websites frequently so thank you. Can't wait for the next chapter
  5. Another successful chapter my friend. I really how you made the Mc understand the pros and cons of being a pokemon trainers instead of rushing along with his understanding of the situation he is placed in. Also, I'm very happy you picked chimchar as the starter as Chimchar is my all time favorite pokemon starter along with calling him Luffy is just Icing on the Cake! Once, again can't wait for the next chapter!
  6. Honestly this looks an awesome fanfic waiting to happen. You have good chapter 1 intro bro that made me that already caught my attention! Good luck with the rest of the story, can't wait to read the next chapter
  7. Blaziken (Helios): Life orb/ Left overs Ability: Speed Boost Nature: Adamant/6 Hp/252 Atk/252 Sp Moves: Protect/ Sword Dance, Rock slide, Hi Jump Kick, Flare Biltz Salamence( Tempest): Salamenite Ability: Intimidate Nature: Jolly/6 Hp/252 Atk/ 252 Sp Moves: Dragon Dance, Return, Outrage, Roost/Earthquake Tyranitar(Everest) : Assault Vest Ability: Sand stream Nature: Careful/ Hp: 248/14 Atk/252 Spdef Move: Crunch, Earthquake, Ice punch, rock slide Rotom-Wash(Havoc): Leftovers Ability: Levitate Nature: Bold/252 Hp/200 Def/58 Sp Move: Willow wisp, Hydro pump, pain split, Thunderbolt/ Volt switch Gardevoir (Bella): Choice Scarf Ability: Trace Nature: Timid 6 Def/252 SpAtk/252 Sp Moves: Moonblast, Psychic, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball/Focus Blast Aegislash (Saber): Leftovers Nature: Quiet 252 hp/252 Sp Atk/6 Def Ability: Stance change Moves: King Shield, Shadow Ball, Flash cannon, sacred sword
  8. Welcome to the Forum Cibryll!!! It's nice to have you here and I hope you enjoy yourself here
  9. Excuse me, everything for Galarian darmanitan is good except its base speed in Zen Mode is suppose to be higher than its base form speed but when it transform to Zen mode the speed seems to decrease. Is this a bug as well?
  10. This topic is for Rejuvenation not Reborn my man.
  11. Back during the very beginning of Grand Dream City arc where gym leaders and other trainers from the university being turned to stone: With Talon being one of the Victims.
  12. Me too my man, I've been seeing this all over YouTube and I really want to play it before Episode 6 comes out.
  13. Does this version of the shared Pc work for Rejuvenation v13, because the last one didn't. Also, do I copy it to the data files of the games or somewhere else?
  14. What badge level do Sobble appear in? I currently have 9 badges.
  15. When I'm about to battle Rift(Gmax) Garbodor and when Volta comes out the room, the game pauses and no battle sequence commences. Game.rxdata
  17. Jan, Zumi, and the rest of the dev squad put their heart and soul into these last 2 years. Thank you guys for all your hard work and I can't wait to play V13 in a few hours!!!
  18. Rising Emperor


    I see this meme all the time, but it's so god-damned accurate
  19. Rising Emperor


    My Hype....... IS OVER 90000000000000000000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. I'm definitely gonna start a new run. I really want to see all the changes and new features added in the game!
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