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Rising Emperor

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Rising Emperor

  1. Actually, believe it was hinted that Saki's mega would be Duraladon(GMAX).
  2. Excuse me, but may I have permission to access your drive to download the shared pc mods?
  3. I'm definitely getting Grookey. Rillaboom was my favorite among new gen starters can't wait to play with it when I start a new save file.
  4. This looks promising my man! Can't wait to try it out
  5. I believe you underestimate the popularity of desolation my man. Even before going on that long hiatus like did Desolation always been highlighted as one the holy trinity of fangames along with Reborn and rejuv even with the popularity of insurgence, due too as you stated; there similar philosophical design and similar difficulty. What really made desolation is that are decisions MATTER. Desolation is the definition of choice base game where are choice affect the plot and ether give us a truly Good or bad end is what cemented Deso place in the Big 3. Of course this all my opinion, you'll free to have different opinions from so please don't allow mine to tarinish your opinions.
  6. Insurgence is a good famgame in therms of pokemon design and slightly higher difficulty than canon Pokemon games, but in therms of storytelling, game balance difficulty, interesting character design and development; Pokemon Reborn, rejuvenation, and desolation blew away all my expectations!! And in my opinion excellent ways on making an mature and incredible pokemon fangame. But, if Insurgence is apart of your big 3 then, don't let my opinion ruin your opinion on the game. Insurgence is still a really good fangame
  7. I'm glad you enjoyed! Out of the big 3(reborn, rejuvenation, and desolation) I believe desolation have the best story, so I'm glad you enjoyed the story as much as you did. I agree with the gentleman above. Games like Desolation take a while to update so, I do recommend replaying to find out if miss anything(sidequest or main story related) or tryout different options for a different ending. This game deserve to be replayed
  8. Si quieres decir que es la versión final, entonces no, no lo es, pero se dividirá en dos partes 13 y 13.5 para el juego completo.
  9. Se agregarán Gigantamaxes, aunque se programarán como Megas personalizados, ya que Dynamax es una mecánica difícil de trabajar en términos de equilibrio del juego y la tradición del mundo. Si bien no tenemos nuevos protagonistas (que sepamos), los que tenemos pronto recibirán nuevos atuendos alternativos, ¡así que es muy bueno esperarlo! I translated it for u Autumn Zephyr. Just so the gentleman above understood it in his language
  10. Take your time Jan. Whatever plans u have for V13 and onward no doubt the Community will support u just take your time because everyone know V13 is gonna be AWESOME!!!
  11. Sceptile Crest: Attack scales with Speed/ Dragon moves become STAB Wailord Crest: Atk & SpAtk scales with Hp Noivern Crest: 20% + SpAtk and gains Aerilate( Noivern really needs a boost) Gengar Crest: Gains Levitate Toxtricity Crest: 20% in SpAtk/ Sound base move do electric damage Huntail Crest: Swift Swim is activated upon switch in/ Gain Dark STAB Gorbyess Crest: Swift Swim is Activated upon Switch in/ Gain Psychic STAB Exeggutor Crest: Trick Room activated upon switch in Weavile Crest: Gain Techician Kingdra Crest: Rain is activated on switch for 3 turns
  12. Flareon Crest: Switch SpDef with Speed/Contact moves 50% chance cause burn. Electivire Crest: 20% in speed/ gain STAB with Fighting(type)moves Magmortat Crest: 20% in speed/ Cause Drought upon switch in for 3 turns Jynx Crest Crest: 20% in Speed/apply Snow cloack Emboar Crest: Gain Rock Head Samurott: Gain 20% in Atk and speed/ Gain Fighting Stab
  13. Excuse me, but how do I get dreepy? I've got all 8 gold fragements and the ivory key/and unlock the ancinet shrine. What else should a do/or where to go to get Dreepy?
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