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Rising Emperor

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Rising Emperor

  1. You outdone yourself again Zumi! These new Cave Fields looks absolutely amazing. You deserve all the praises!
  2. You did an amazing job on this mod Blue Towel. The Generation 8 pokemon are awesome in Reborn. Thanks again for all your hardwork Also, qusstion? Will you be working on a similar mod for pokemon rejuvenation in the 0.7 update or on any other version?
  3. When I try to rock climb I get stuck in the middle. Is that suppose to happpen? May anyone help at this point Grookey is incredibily difficult to get.
  4. This looks promising my man! I'm definitely giving this game a try
  5. May u help me with the Grookey event? I'm having extreme difficulty getting the rhythem to get it. May u get hint or a spoiler to help me out please?
  6. Can I bet to get Galarian Darmanitan by leveling up Unovian Darumaka with a Icicle plate? Because, I don't see G. Darumaka location.
  7. I'm excited for an status update! Can't wait to see how much progress BlueTowel is making
  8. In my opinion it is my man. The idea for rotating pokemon is that in certain battles the 6 pokemon you usually use are not always good in every scenario. For example, say that you're usual 6 pokemon is great at countering Titaina's team but, those same members will get easily counter by Amaria's team. You see what I mean? Pokemon rotations make sure you have backup/certains they will keep ready for any battle that any of your usual 6 pokemon won't be effective in. Plus, helps you strageize more easily and help overcome incrediliy diffcult battles espcially for a diffcult game Reborn.
  9. May, u tell me exactly where the hidden room located, because I literally can't find it.
  10. May anyone tell me where to find the red and yellow pieces please?
  11. LET'S GGGGGOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Desolation is back baby! Thank you caz, ruby, and posty for continuing this amazing game!
  12. Not likely. Remember the only reason he's giving sword extreme a hiatus is because the dlc for sword and shield are coming out tomorrow(today) in some countries. So, when he finish that he's more than likely going to restart the extreme randomizer again.
  13. Welcome back Caz!! And Hello again Pokemon Desolation!!!
  14. This looks Amazing!! Awesome job Zumi!!!
  15. I had the same problem my man. U probably named the new file import.txt am I correct? If so just changed the name from import.txt to import. It will work. Also this work together with the ash-greninja mod, because i'm also using that mod.
  16. Do u mean where the game icon is located or somewhere in the Audio, Data, Fonts, or Graphics folders?
  17. Excuse, I'm having an issue as well. I have everything place orderly, but whenever I click import team, it say this: "Script 'Settings' line 0: Errno::ENQENT occurred. "No such file or directory - import.txt." May u help me?
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