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Rising Emperor

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Rising Emperor

  1. After angie is free from prison(post ninth gym) the dimensional rift will disappear. So, you'll be able to get the Zygarde Cell.
  2. 52%? ALREADY?!?! It barely been a month and we're halfway done already. Amazing job Jan and Dev team. Keep up the good work!
  3. Oh really. Dang now I feel alittle stupid. Thx for heads-up my man.
  4. Electivire Crest: 20+ Hp, 20+ def, 20+ Sp and ability Galvanize Magmortar Crest: 20+ Hp, 20+ def, 20+ Sp and ability Desolate land Archeops Crest: 20+ def, 20+ Spd and ability tough claw Feraligatr Crest: 20+ Sp and ability multiscale
  5. I suggest Victini, because not only Victini is never use in the franchise, it's known as the pokemon of Luck/Victory something that we need when dealing the reborn region.
  6. Torterra crest: 10+ Atk 40+ Sp and ability Soild Rock
  7. Greninja Crest: 40+ Atk, 40+ SPA, 10+ Spd Despite being a popular pokemon I believe Greninja should get a crest. It could be a good substitute for ash-greninja but also, should be the most difficult crest to find so, people have to work for it.
  8. I recommend playing Pokemon Desolation. It's no near as complete Reborn/Rejuvenation considering it goes up to 5th gym but, it has an amazing plot that will get you invested into the game. Another I can are Pokemon legend of the arena and Pokemon Uranium both are very good games. They're not as hard or story driven as Reborn or Rejuvenation but still are really awesome games to play in my opinion.
  9. Another name I can offer are Phoneix or Helios.
  10. I'm ready bud. Just tell me your login my man
  11. I got u bud just tell me your id.
  12. Already!!! Jan you and the dev team are amazing but, make sure you guys rest up abit. Lord knows you guys deserve it.
  13. "Home is where someone is thinking about you" By: Jiraiya the toad sannin
  14. The shared pc mod isn't this version yet, bud. Blitz is trying to fix it in this version, so you'll have to wait a while.
  15. Happy to have you Pokerulez!!! Welcome to forum. If u have any questions, don't be afraid to ask. The people here are really helpful and friendly.
  16. Give me a minute bud my man. My internet is messing up.
  17. Alright bud.Give me 30 miutes at best To finish the breeding alright.
  18. I can get those for u bud. But, do u want better natures for those mons. For example, ralts and larvesta can benefit with a timid nature and gligar & rilou will do good with a jolly natures. It's just my opinion bud but, if those are the natures you wants just get back to me.
  19. Enjoy yourself bud.
  20. I'm about to be on just give me one sec.
  21. I can do it my man just tell me when you're ready.
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