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Rising Emperor

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Rising Emperor

  1. Can you put what you're pokemon moveset and natures are? It's help us know what u need to work with.
  2. Jan you beautiful bastard stop teasing please. My heart can't take much more of this.
  3. I tried rebron's sandbox mode to get. I got a little impatient waiting for Eq so, I went to get it in sandbox. Enigma@: I'm liking the idea of bulky grass type but, I'll wait for anymore advice before, I make a final decision.
  4. Hey u guys. I just completed Episode 18 and we got alot of options now for teams since all non-legendary pokemon are available. I was gonna ask can u guys give me advice for my team and can help me find my final team member? I would greatly appericate it. Any advice would do.
  5. While all those awards are impressive I would recommend getting all 731 pokedex entries because that final prize is worth it all.
  6. Keep up the good work, can't wait for another 3 months for next update. But, seriously though thank you for all your hard-work Jan. You and the dev team are amazing, but make sure y'all take of yourselves. You all deserve it.
  7. Souta in my opinion wasn't that difficult. Simiply use a magnezone with the sturdy ability which also know thunder wave and electric terrain. Got rid of his mega pideot pretty easily with that combo. His therain-form Thundurus was the only real issue but my jolly nature Lycanroc took care of it. I hoped this helps u my man. Good luck!
  9. No, I'm afraid not my man. Madelis is the only one who can give you the key and if don't do the event there's no other way you can get the the Railnet Hq key. I'm sorry.
  10. I can't believe it. After 18 long episodes, exlcuding the legendaries EVERY POKEMON IS FINALLY AVAILABLE!!!!! EVERYONE BRING IN THE WINE IT'S TIME TO PARTY!!!!!!
  11. OÒOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH YEAHHH!!!! Bagon is offically available People. I super hype for the community release. LET'S GET IT!!!
  12. Hi Fence, welcome to the forum. It's not so much Hydreigon is not available but getting is consider illegal. Thw reason why because, it requires 3 dark materials and a soul candle to get deino but there's only 2 dark materials currently in the game so, getting a 3rd one requires you to eithet cheat or trade one from someone who has one. Hopefully u have a good time here the people here are pretty friendly.
  13. It is, you have to buy the apophyll pancake from the stand in route 3. Use them similar to like an evolution stone and there u go an Alolan raichu.
  14. I gotta say Ciel for me. Ferligator + Dragon Dragon + Ice punch/Fang = One sided beatdown.
  15. I know right. I thought we be waiting all the way to atleast september for the testing phase but, guess like Ame and the Dev team said screw that.
  16. For spector you can go to the goldenleaf gym and battle him if you like. It doesn't affect your progress of your game if u battle him or not. After u do the generator problem quest I would recommended exploring the ruins of Goldenleaf and find those doors with numbers on them. If u have 9 gym badges u can unlock gastly in one of those ruins.
  17. Go to west gearen city and go to the Help center and do the generator problem sidequest.
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