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Everything posted by sailboat

  1. day 2 should be fairly short but im busy so i'll continue it slowly kek

  2. Day 2 The day starts with the church's bell ringing. Normally, this is nothing new but the nuns and acolytes of the local church is going around town asking for everyone to gather at the town square. There, they are announcing the coming of a new priest, Nano. "I had gathered you here today to introduce myself to you," Nano said. "I'm the newly appointed priest for this town. I had come here for a mission. That is, to liberate this town from the lurking dangers from the shadows," Lykos was listening among the crowd, listening to Nano talk. He isnt a firm believer of religion so nano's words just simply sounds empty to him. When suddenly, "That bored looking fella over there. What is your name?," Nano said pointing at Lykos. Day 2 is still incomplete feel free to comment
  3. N1 of chronicles of dam3 is now finally complete

  4. Night 1 The series of events all started when Jace, a confident looking guy, was out playing cards in a certain bar. To your average folk he looks really at home gambling at the bar. What they didnt know is he is using his acute sense of smell and hearing and silently muttered to himself, "ah vampires are here. Looks like I have to prepare for every odd night," "What did you say?" asked one of the players who is playing cards with him. "Nothing, I already won," and Jace stood up dropping a royal flush... Meanwhile, in some unassuming house, a mass of flesh is undulating and slowly forms an androgynous looking human. Its name is Bok. Bok, who had been living peacefully with the primitive primates, got attracted here by some chanting. Bok usually responds to this calls as Bok secretly tries to protect the primates from the descent of unknowable horrors. However this time, Bok sensed that the evils lurking here are connected to the children of the moon and the descendants of the bloodsuckers. So this time, in order to protect the primates, Bok snapped its fingers and two certain people got swallowed by a twisting dimension and got swapped positions! Alistair the werewolf was praying to the moon when he suddenly felt dizzy and found himself standing nearby a mansion in the middle of the town while falirion, a rich gentleman, also felt dizzy and found himself standing in the middle of a farmland. While both of them knows the town like the back of their hands, it was certainly peculiar to found themselves in a totally unrelated place. Alistair thinks that this must be a sign given to him by the moon goddess so he thought of it as a blessing. Meanwhile, falirion immediately identified that this was a work of an ancient being. After all, he is also one. What he found curious is that he sense no malice from the power being used. Usually beings that can exert such powers very malevolent being so for now, he take note of it... In a small tavern near the outskirts of the town, Aldo, a shabby looking guy, was ranting on a guy named Astra who is surprisingly doesn't really stand out even though the former is really being loud. In a dark alley near the tavern, Lia, a young kid, was playing by himself when suddenly he got approached by a seductive lady named Hypurr. "Are you lost kid?" Hypurr asked. Lia being alerted of the stranger, suddenly ran away back to his house. Nano, the newly appointed priest in town, secretly went out of the church to use the blessed tool provided by the church which detects monsters in its vicinity. He saw lykos, the town watch, doing his patrols so he tried to follow him secretly and hide in a dark corner before activating the tool. From there, the tool didnt have any reaction which implied Lykos is a human. While walking on his usual patrol path, Lykos suddenly saw a hooded person vanishing out of thin air only to be replaced by a rich looking old man. He identified this person as falirion. He got confused for awhile but for a guy like him who dont believe in myths and magic, he just simply assume that he was tired and didnt noticed the gentleman earlier. He decided to observe falirion for awhile and noticed that there's a strong scent of herbs in the air. Looking around he found Nicki, the local healer doing something with the herbs nearby. As he isnt really well versed with this kind of things he just assume thats normal and not related to magic whatsoever. Caimie the vampire slayer was standing on top of a roof of a certain mansion. he was looking at a certain window inside the mansion in which Candy was sleeping. Caimie knows that vampires tend to pose themselves as nobles considering their pride and accumulated wealth through out their long life span so he decided to investigate Candy, who was a visiting noble. However, based from what he has observed and from the tools on his arsenal, he merely shaked his head and head off to the night as it seems Candy is merely a human. Meanwhile, In a dark room somewhere, Bean instructed his followers to secretly spread propaganda against candy... In a dark corner of the town proper, Kiet, a child, was sulking cuz his prank didnt seem to trigger... After awhile, his eyes gleamed red and suddenly shown his true nature: a vampire. He tried to attack a burly man walking down the street. To his surprise however the guy rapidly turn into bats. "Name's Drago. I didnt expect to see a kin here tonight," the burly man said with eyes gleaming red. N1 is now complete feel free to comment
  5. finished chronicles of DAM3 OP will write the summary of phase posts soon™

  6. Chronicles of Dark Ages 3 Hello everyone! This is Dee tryna put some activity here in the club to let you forum lurkers know that mafia club is alive and well its just that we moved games to be discord centric now. Anyway, this thread is meant to just put a summary of the events that transpired on Dark Ages 3, a mafia game held in discord so that the records of it isn't lost to everyone... Well for as long as this forum exists that is. Anyway let start shall we? The Roles: As this is a game of mafia these were supposedly the roles for this game. Take note not every role was actually used in this game. The Players: Since this is based from actual events that happened in the game, I call em players but since I'm planning to write this summary as if its some sort of story, then think of em as casts and the descriptors use on them doesn't represent them but the roles they are playing. Background: After the continues victory of the werewolves, the humans remain defiant as to not get slaughtered mercilessly. The vampires suffering shame and defeat cannot forgive the insolence of the wolves and so they return with more sinister tricks up their sleeves... The op is now finished. The phases will be separate posts. Feel free to leave comments
  7. [REVEAL] Ancient Being [REVEAL] Inquisitor
  8. wtf why is it when im tryna type long assed posts there are always big bombs dropping well that answered some questions but honestly i feel like this shits all on purpose
  9. Lia, tbh with ya i havent voted yet simply cuz i feel like the timing was kinda too convenient. I mean cult leader is friggin big accusation for starters so i actually expect it as a post opener but then again nick said he won the guessing game shit. Honestly i have no idea if that is true but since he gave away that you or ali is third party, im guessing eric was able to confirm something with that but... yeah fck this shit my conjecture has many ways to be wrong. heck in my own world i actually feel like there is some sort of uncanny synchronicity between nick and eric. Dont get me wrong, im not tryna help you either cuz again cult is just another major annoyance to town and better to git culled early rather than shitter bring more peeps to the grave than necessary. For my opinion which nobody asked but i will give it away anyway For your proposition, Cult and maf could prolly do the same way but counting the nights i think cult should be around 3 peeps cuz 2 followers 1 leader. so yeah that ideology could work more on maf i spose. Basing on nick's shit 6 mafs(?) well not sure yet how is it even distributed. And hgow well they are blending on the 3rd party society who are questionable as well as to what they are actual goals even. Since no one yet have fcking tryna reveal anything i will just gonna tryna reveal two roles from these roles that are currently known to us so far. [REVEAL] Ancient being since this was a disputed role [REVEAL] Jonass Mueller ??? I dont mind revealing more roles either.
  10. I was typing a long assed post and after postiong it, i didnt expect a bomb drop
  11. Hi cass o7 [Sip] Soup For starters, i know this place will gon be the dumpster for "afk-ers" so i chose this one over the other for that. Reason? simple less noise and more substance provided we actually have an actual discussion. Since the afkers usually is less nonsense and more read through (i fcking hope you actually skim at least a few posts dammit) Now, mimi thats a no. Looking at yesterday's reveal it just added more questions rather than answers shit i swear bean is doing this on purpose. Even if we reveal roles its only useful for coyote currently i think(?) So as aside topic what do we want to reveal today? more roles or are we tryna reveal some of the weird name roles. For my actual personal agenda, i believe i want to ask why is there a motion to revive drago when he kinda already said he is ancient being or am i missing something? Well for now i will set this aside since something was provided on a silver platter. Nickbeard, i didnt expect you also like skirting the rules i see. You are learning from the master of ban evasion (which is me) i see. Well i havent actually checked the other thread and i dont want to test bean's authority yet. Well as for your ping last phase, i was out so i missed it but to answer your question i feel like im on the right place currently for something. on a slightly off topic
  12. Wow Im late to the party but a lot of things are happening. Again. This night is somewhat eventful for me so let me break things down. 1. I got blocked. 2. My keys were stolen (in game i mean.) 3. ???> not sure if there are other things that happened For starters, i have no fcken clue who blocked me but if you just want mein attention, luv u too honey #nohomo. Second, someone stealing mein keys means we have a thief or a ninja in our midst. Im banking on thief cuz ninja is a really good killer so i doubt theyll just be resolving for petty thievery. Now you may ask why do i even have keys, I'll leave this one to imagination. Believe me this shit doesnt sound believable to me either its easier to just screenie ma whole shit channel than explainin it but anyway rather than not talking about it its much better to reveal a mafia info so i hafta get it out rather than leave you guys unaware. also i did suggest the possibility of chtulhu but i never expected their actual fcking existence. Fali if this is just you pulling a fast one on me cuz of me suggesting to surrender in the other thread, I swear imma git ur pants and shit on it. Disgusting i know but so is that shit move. Tis messing some of mein plans. Now, if the actually exists it means we have a cult in our fckin midst cuz the octopus can only win with em. It doesnt help fckin town nor mafia. Now, Every time we play evi its always funny you come on me for whatever. Funny everytime you do i always have an insurance. Anyway, if you have some doubts on me nick can always go for me. In fact i suggest he do so i git town cred more. Oh for the record nick is not my insurance but something else
  13. Yo @NickCrash @Nano4 Mafia officially concedes. Im last maf, town i dont care who you chose to vote either way this ends next phase since i will not vote nor post anymore effectively killing me in this game. @Falirion dont blame blanket, i failed this one and we had come to conclusion no other way than to walk away with our dignity still intact lol. Also bean, you were talking with me last night(real time) rather i purposefully talked on an irrelevant topic from when phase had changed here. you should know that i am reading the thread last night(earlier for you) but i didnt actually posted here to try to do something about i believe you shoulda picked up thats auto sus. I was already setting things up for my demise since d1 so that fali can get a leverage but things happen. I dont plan to prolong so i dont care if the french bread and the german bred fight its none of mein business.
  14. Ah. Now that makes some sense. Somewhat. but i feel like im missing something. Then again bean never called me deeemzee and others doesnt change names that much so hmm Anyway on unrelated topic which may or may not be relevant to this weird ass game,
  15. now that i think of it there are actual roles in the OP. [Reveal] Captain [Kick] the mayor Now for something that should be easier to understand: I believe the 9 non town is plausible considering my rule of thumb: 1/3rd of populace is non town. As for actual distribution i have no fckin clue. Less tangible speculation: Im tryna run simulations in ma head on how to brick this game. Now i have no actual clue as what are the roles even so my assumption is prolly off. Im thinking its actually possible to exploit revives assuming the only killers are mafia. lol there is a extreme possible loop that will cause the eventually of mafia killing everyone at least once so its gonna be eventual that theyll be lynched one by one lol. Well but most prolly since this got approved everyone should prolly have a chance at this game. also i think skipping n1 and going straight d2 is prolly beans way to ensure at least one is dead which would help for anti bricking purposes but not sure cuz it doesnt explains the question why are roles non existent in d1 in the first place. So my hot take ill put it in spoiler since this is purely speculations with no way of backing things up and you lil shits can sleep at night without worrying about it: Tryna reveal a person wont work but why you guys tryna reveal 'silboat' is it cuz its technically not a person? On a somewhat related topic, what are we going to do with nano's body let it rot or...? Also nanoIV i swear if that is just beans self insert or jury sabotage imma flip. But too farfetch yeah
  16. The more i try to make sense the less i understand. Also i dont see any "Nano4" roles anywhere or am i missing something? also on d1 im assuming im not the only one who didnt have a role back then or did the mafs already have roles since d1? For shenanigans, I wanna know what the fck the bread god gave away why didnt i obtained it when i was the first one to eat bread iirc dammit and why does it have the same damn color as the fcking lynch(?)not sure if nano died on a lynch or was that a kill post. also is it still possible to obtain the blessing [Drink]mineral water [Eat] some bread [Encourage] everyone to vote the task kinda says it so :shrug: [Sip]Chicken soup [Note] there is another fcking 'Nano' and its nanoIV [Understand] how role works is the passenger name the roles? I am confused [Reveal] William Afton [Tell] everyone to manually blink, manually breath, and position their tongues comfortably [So] is the bread god even true or was that just a fckin bait post and i fckin just wasted my time typing this. ugh read the first letters downward so that at least my efforts arent wasted On a serious topic, assuming that "nano4" died on a lynch its good to take note that only a few votes are required for a lynch to be successful
  17. ya know what, fine since there is still some who are way too inactive imma just speak the idea i have in my mind hopefully this game finishes early with it. long post inbound so imma put it in spoiler i hate talking business mode ugh but the activity here is less than the action mein puss* gets and i dont even have a puss*. but then again i also hate that other shit which i understood fckin nothing. man its hard to be a madman these days. anyway anyone who disagrees is scummy on my book. fck u gurl also since it has come to this: [Eliminate] Kiet nothing personal kid i just want to equalize the voting. feel free to counter the lynch on me but please think through on what i said. also imma head out work. I think i got notif that somebody else posted but i really have no time to read rn
  18. I see its hunch maybe closer to observation. Well truth be told i thought it was an oracle call for a lynch. But alright hunches are somewhat relevant to this setup anyway. I believe i still have plenty of time before phase change so I'll go back later as i hafta go to work now.
  19. ugh not even sure what to do here. lemme try some shit [Drink]mineral water [Eat] some bread [Steal]Chickentoucher's water nothing personnel kid [Pay] the captain the boat fee [Ask] are we there yet? [Control] The ship fck u guys imma steer this shit [Investigate] The passenger 'YOU EXPECTED A DELICIOUS HORNY OLD LADY BUT IT WAS ME DIO!' nothing personnel kid. your name is all caps so its quite striking [Try] to relax [Order]everyone to read the first letters downward also i dont think there are specific rules that requires any vote for this phase mr. host explain
  20. right sorry wasnt able to return in the thread before phase change. Anyway we have about 3+1(jihad)/12 who are evil so that makes it 1/3 chance to hit evil. well 1/4th if the actress or whatever that roles name is dead. Im trying to figure out what exactly happened this night but most of the things i came up with is a bit too specific scenario that even i confuses meself. lol madman confusing himself well played. That said i will go for something more tangible for now. yo, bean. Yesterday you were tryna lynch ali and kinda forceful on it. im a bit rusty so do tell is this just your usual random or are there any particular reason you want him on the gallows. peeps may let it slide and outright ignore you but me im just curious cuz afai remember you are also the perceptive type so im doing this in order for you to not get ignored if you actually want to say something.
  21. Aite my thoughts in no particular order: So we have an info quite early and protectors are still alive so the scenario is not so bad. Boi i always thought im the only person ...err boat here who actually bothers with eloquent yet disgusting memes but here we are. looking at that one disgusting post. Yeah that. Dont steal the madman role from me pls. OC do not steal1!1111!!!!one well opinion on third parties? well first of all the that terrorist or whatver ya call it must git eliminated thats for sho. As for the other third party, well the other veteran players know my rule of thumb: i never trust em. Specially they can change allegiance at a drop of a hat. Heck in this case they prolly have already a specific person in mind to lynch and a specific person in mind to let live who knows if thats a maf theyll gonna help? also if the shitter wins we all lose except for the 2 he chose whoever those 2 are. lucky for em but for the rest too bad yah. so im just going to reiterate its hard trust em. Wait although i said that, when does the ghoul choose their 1 dead 1 living? also do they just choose two peeps and hope one of em dies and the other lives or they have to name who lives and who is dead? @NickCrash at the start of the game or they can choose for later? well it doesnt change my opinion about em though but it kinda changes some scenario and one on top of my head is it would be funny when the terrorist plus mafia was all lynched but then announcement goes ghoul and 2 peeps wins cuz they chose at really late game. so its just a big fck u to the town lmao well that said i dont think i covered everything but yeah later o7
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