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5 Fledgling


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  1. Finally!! it was a great change, hope that you win!!
  2. idk what is happening, it shows that i'm trading now
  3. Don't worry, are you still in online play? you're not online
  4. hahaha i cancel the last one, because i didn't see your trade, but don't worry lets try until you get that stone!!
  5. Again! try any mon, don't worry i completed the dex
  6. sth happened i think, i will try again
  7. no, I mean online play user ID, when you register
  8. I can trade you a mon holding one tell me what's your ID
  9. Thanks for everything about this project, the hype was letal hahaha!! I really hope you're healthy, take care
  10. This will help you to the deino's sidequest https://pokemon-reborn.fandom.com/wiki/Deino_Special_Encounter#:~:text=The%203%20Dark%20Materials%20are,doors%2C%20see%20Sanctum%20Key%20Sidequest
  11. I had the same doubt, but i was using debug mode (sandbox) I pressed the control button very quick before receiving a mon from the pokemon generator NPC. Later I deleted debug mode. IDK if I can trade you one with the ability
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