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6 Fledgling

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  1. That makes sense, although the leaders against my gf forgot the memo hahahaha
  2. I used it on episode 17 but I havent put any mods into the 18 folder, so I don't think it would be it I thought it was from the new episode but my gf said Corey used 5 potions against her and not 1 with me
  3. I started a new playthrough for episode 18 and noticed that the gym leaders are not using healing items. I thought maybe it was something to balance the better ai but the game my gf staryed they are using healing normally. Is there an option that I changed or my game went crazy?
  4. So what did you decide? The curiosity is killing me
  5. Trying to be more active in the community and here seems a good place
  6. 40bp before mega evo, which boosts stab to 2x. So 80 for a priority attack, useful against faster sweepers. Not bad not bad I actually like torterra, but the run i had with him on reborn did not work at all as his bulk is undermined by the number of weakness from grass. So being slow + reborn unforgiving gym leaders punish the poor tortoise.
  7. My lucario goal is to be that but with bullet punch instead of earthquake. Gardevoir is the waifu pokemon cmon. Also she has the loyalty thematic, which I love in pokemon (I only dont have arcanine there cause just wouldn't work) and with basically that set up, maybe trick room depending on oponent/other pokemons Honchkrow is sucker punch, brave bird, night slash, tailwind. I dont think roost works that well, with his def stat I dont see me being able to use it while tailwind I can use as a last move or during turn sucker punch would fail I tried a game with torterra, was not impressed
  8. Huh, I thought of the level cap as a limiter, since raising levels indiscriminately for difficulty sake would mean lvl 100 10th gym
  9. I think you won. Although I'll probably get swampert but following your main idea Thanks guys
  10. Oh yeah, ground is the bane of my existence in reborn. I liked the rottom idea. I know the best would be having replacements, but having a team with your favorites is so nice
  11. Huh.. for some reason i thoutgh hail boosted ice type moves... the more you know
  12. I thought about him specifically for the hp and typing. Most of other eves would be type redundant and he can work as a wall assuming your openents do not use grass (i find it the worse type so I always assume no grass XP) and in double battle it works with ninetails as you mentioned and with raichu tanking eletric damage
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