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V for Vendetta

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V for Vendetta last won the day on October 9 2017

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About V for Vendetta

  • Birthday 11/21/2000

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  1. I feel like this would be the right place to post this Inktober art, got lazy with the shading. I had to do a lot of hassle just to get this picture up.
  2. The Digimon I hate the most for personal reasons is Patamon I hate that stupid yellow flying pig I jus- wait what do you mean this is a Pokemon list? The Pokemon I hate the most is Emolga. I don't know, its just so annoying to look at. I imagine it to have the same personality as Nermal from Garfield.And I hate,no,I despise Nermal.
  3. I always nickname my Luxray Killua,pretty constantly in every playthrough where I use him.(Killua from Hunter x Hunter) I also name my Palossand Capone or Fire Tank if its female.( Capone "Gang" Bege,Captain of the Fire Tank Pirates from One Piece) Those are the only Pokemon that I give a certain nickname for multiple Playthrough.
  4. UPDATE: Sup, it's uhh...been awhile, anyways just wanted to "update" anyone who still follows this playthrough on why it suddenly stopped. Well you see in my country there's this exam and well basically if you fail it you fail in life. Simple as that. You either find a normal job like a teacher or doctor if you get high grades and if you fail then you'll be sweeping the floor or standing guard infront of a public toilet being hodors. And personally I'm not interested in failling, apparently being the 2nd brightest male student my school has to offer,they intend for me to pass with flying colours like a Ho-oh and hence I had to stop this little side project of mine in turn for some time to study, This exam hasn't ended yet, there is still about 2 more weeks left of suffering and once I'm done, this playthrough will be on track again. Thanks, V.
  5. If you think is a nightmare imagine playing hardcore mode with a freaking Jangmo-o, the start is already hell lol
  6. Does that Toxicroak have Sucker Punch? If so,bring that bad boy out of the box and use it to counter Blake's Jynx and Froslass. Also you have a Blaziken, that thing basically sweeps everything lol just kill Jynx like above and set up Blaziken, should be smooth sailing from there on.
  7. TFW You get back home and there's nothing to eat.
  8. .moor ym ot emac eno emos dna kid dais ylluatca I ,ton uoy dik I Its mirrored btw. Good luck reading that
  9. Your team is very unique I have to say,like running Steelix, Jynx and Swalot. Nobody uses these mons lol even though I'm pretty sure I'm the only trainer that uses a Hitmonlee so I can relate No Gardevoir or Magnezone to be seen as well. Over all I think your team is solid, all though I do suggest you pick up a Fairy type for Saphira ( Hey you can use Granbull, Intimidate and its also an underrated mon so yeah)
  10. My suggestion is get your self a gardevoir, spam calm mind. And win. Other than that yeah reteach blaziken some moves. Buy X items on the Obsidia Mart mall thingy (Too tired to think of the name) Get a Scraggy and MAKE SURE IT HAS DRAGON DANCE if it doesnt then keep resetting until you do get one. If your still having problems then you gotta ask some people for mons to trade it lol.
  11. A couple more suggestions: -Nidoran Male at the Onyx Arcade (I suggest using a Voltorb flip calculator) -Shinx at the Onyx arcade ( Same as above ) -Pancham at the Obsidia Slums -Once you beat shelly and get Rock Smash get back to Beryl ward,head towards the abandoned power plant (keep going towards Beryl Bridge) there should be a cave blocked off, I suggest picking up a Swinub and a Croagunk.
  12. Supprised that Serperior isn't named Boa despite your Gengar being a female Moria lol Shoud've been Perona Anyways your team is basically solid I give it a 5 Warlords/7 warlords. (Extra points for naming your Swampert after my second fav chracter )
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