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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by panxiaotian

  1. Espurr, Goomy, Chansey, Ducklett, Joltik, Litleo, Pawniard, Lapras, Deerling, something u like?
  2. Holy crap really? I never battled in pkmn reborn before but that sounds just to tempting How do i challenge you?
  3. Hello, I'm interested in Honedge and Bagon! Here are my shinies with 5 IV! Are u interested in any of these?
  4. Hey guys, I'm trying to fill up my Pokedex so I need some help. Currently looking for these (Good IV's and shiny are not mandatory but very appreciated) : Cacnea Vullaby Magikarp Larvitar Ghastly (I'm not sure if I forgot any more Pokemons which were only obtainable from earlier Updates, feel free to suggest which ones I possibly forgot, started playing PKMN Reborn when latest release was Episode 15) I mainly offer some Shiny Mons with 2-5 full IV's. Aerodactyls have Egg Move Wide Guard. But I can also breed you some of my Shiny Dex Pokemon if you want it (and don't care about good IV's) Will post them if no one is interested on those I offer rn. I should be avaible the next 3-4 hours, PM me pls. Any help is appreciated, thanks! Cheers
  5. This looks so cool,can i have one too or is it too late already? ID is panxiaotian
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