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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by AwesomeSensei

  1. I have been playing Episode 18 for over 500 hours now. I've tried multiple times to get a Blue Moon Ice Cream either from the vendor in the Opal ward or the ice cream shop in Obsidia Ward but to no avail. Must have wasted 5-6 hours or more on resetting and trying again and again but don't seem to find it. It's really frustrating!! Can someone please confirm if I'm just unlucky or is it busted in Episode 18 (Reborn18.4.1) ?? P.S. I have just rescued Luna from 7th Street. Has the Blue Moon Ice Cream event not triggered yet ?? Any insights will be greatly appreciated.
  2. I did the same... Those plates are really useful add to that you can get some cool Pokemon from the fossils and the Full Revives!! Mining is really useful.
  3. Same here buddy! I've mined and resetted innumerable times, but still no luck with the Odd Keystone. I guess catching Spiritomb will remain a dream for me.
  4. Okay! Thanks for the info! But man, first Ralts event, now Beldum... Seems like all the good Pokemon are getting postponed till the late stages of the game.
  5. Thanks!! Any idea about Beldum?
  6. I've already obtained Joltik and was guessing that some other pokemon might be there. But there seems to a lake over there and surf will be required. So is there any way to do that event now or do I have to wait till later in the game ?
  7. Hi, I've already defeated Luna and obtained the 9th Gym badge and am about to enter Agate, but I can't seem to trigger the Joltik and Beldum events. In Ep. 17, there is now a small lake where Joltik used to be. For Beldum, I've tried watching videos and what not (I've got a Data Chip) but still the event is not triggered in the Wasteland. Can anyone please provide me any insights!! Is anyone else facing the same issue.
  8. So guys facing a problem in Ep17. After obtaining both Corrupted Poke ball and Magnet Powder, I went to Critical Capture in Obsidia Ward to obtain the Pokemon present inside it. The white coat guy is not present in Critical Capture. Did any of you face the same problem ? Suggestions please!!!
  9. When I heard E16 was out, it was finally the good news I had been waiting for. Cheers to the development team for their hard work!! I'm massively impressed with the online features...and guys please read the link provided by the development team for the online play, it really helps. "Wonder Trade" is a functionality I wasn't familiar with previously (I don't know whether it existed previously in some other games or not) but it is quite a pleasant surprise. Keep up the good work guys!! My first wonder trade...Damn I must be lucky!!
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