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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Stranl

  1. Hello Ame, Cass and the rest of the wonderful past and current devs, contributors, friends and people involved in this project. Thank you for all of your hard work and outstanding effort in creating a game that countless people are able to enjoy. I've sunk thousands of hours into this game over the last near decade and I've had an absolute blast during every single second I've played it. Every single ounce of passion, every drop of blood, every bead of sweat, and every cried tear that you all have sacrificed to put forth this project is nothing short of sheer brilliance. All of that effort is visible in this wonderful game from the first time you play to the last battle. From the bottom of my hearts I want to tell each and every one of you, thank you for all that you've done for this game.
  2. I believe in V12 it was hidden somewhere on Route 6. I don't remember where exactly and I don't know if its been moved or not. I'm not sure how accurate this will be since it isn't complete yet but it could be helpful.
  3. Akuwa Town. Nice, quiet enough away from Gearen and lovely waterfront. Plus the new Route 4 is beautiful.
  4. Can somebody confirm that the location of the A-Budew being at as a wild encounter?
  5. Got the Treecko terrain bug where every field after catching him was the corrupted cave. This got real annoying cause it didn't let me get the new regional Anyway it seems to have fixed itself after I loaded up a different save in v12 and then loaded my bugged save up in v13 again and now terrains are back to normal.
  6. Part of Zumi's pokedex quest. Listen to her and you'll get a super badass Toxtricity
  7. Took me a dozen-ish tries. I spammed yawn from espeon A LOT. Used Rapidash to chunk shields and health down as much as possible. Used Medicham, Delphox, Exeggutor, and Alakazam as revive fodder for Espeon and Rapidash. Would prioritize revive on espeon then once it fell asleep would get in rapidash for as much damage as possible. Once its down to the red you should be able to finish it off w/ espeon (or Alakazam possibly since they're the only 2 that outspeed it). Takes some RNG luck and patience I guess. Extremely difficult battle. Best of luck!!!
  8. Eh glad you fixed it! Best of luck in your run!!!
  9. Oh thats a major yikes, sorry about that m8. I think all we can do at the moment is submit a bug report and hope its an easy fix in a quick & fast patch. Cheers!
  10. Whereabouts were you when you saved? v13 has a lot of nono zones for starting up. The only safe zones are the GDC apartments, Gearen Lab, and another place on the update post. If you're not in a new place you should be able to try launching in v12 and see if that works or if there is the same/a similar problem. Hopefully everything goes all well!
  11. Rejuvenation anime adaptation when??
  12. Yanmega Crest - Special Defense 1.3x or Special Defense increase per turn (like speed boost), Rock type moves 1.5x or 2x in power, increase chance of additional effects (ie. ancient power stat boost) This would emphasize Yanma's requirement to know Ancient Power in order to evolve and would play on the "Ancient Power" of the Crest's and the move itself
  13. And people always wonder why this is my favourite Fan-Game of all time
  14. What if we found out who the champion is at Axis High?
  15. Bug where if you fly while on a ladder your character isn't able to turn anymore and is always facing up.
  16. I f12 reset cause I killed the shiny cacturne and now I'm getting the 151 script resizing error. I tried another save file that hadn't started v11 yet and I got the same error Game.rxdata
  17. The game says I can't surf because I'm with somebody even though I'm not. I'm at the part where you have to surf to Vivian and Melia after coming back through time. Game.rxdata
  18. Stuck in Crawli's gym. 4th spider disappeared and resetting doesn't do anything. Downloaded the patch but don't know how to install it into the game correctly. Run on V.9-2. Please help. Thanks Game.rxdata
  19. I'm stuck, Melia just ran off to find the one person she knows who blares music so deaffeningly loud and now I can't find her and progress the story. I don't know where to go next and no guide or video I can find has helped cause they're all before version 8.
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