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  1. If you can link me a video with the new pulse dex, field notes and sticker locations, i will appreciate it because i can't find it anywhere
  2. The item, sticker and pokemon location guides are not updated to the episode 17. Is it possible to know when we will have them?
  3. Fun fact: some time ago (after this post was created), I discovered the Sandbox Mod that pratically solved almost my problems. While I still think that non-modded grinding should have a faster speed, I agree that using secondary methods is not a problem
  4. I finished to try all the features (except the daycare) and i confirm that this mod is awesome, but i'm surprised of some things that slowed my building process: Infinite Money Generator: most of the things that i had to buy was the rare candies, so 3k money force you to spam the button for a some minute. Raising the gift to 10k/20k will speed up the process Pokemon Therapist: an option that will allow you to directly choose the nature would be awesome EV Trainers: awesome job but there's not a person that restore the PP used, so i had to come back to the hall or put in and out the pokemon from the box Move Tutors and Relearner: not sure about this, but maybe moving all the tutor NPCs into a single one could be useful for the people that don't remember the location of a single one Aside these little things the mod was super helpful. Good job!!!
  5. I just did a quick try and it seems all awesome. Just a little suggestion: can the therapyst let you choose the nature of the pokemon that I want to change?
  6. Ok I tried both tips that you said and: - Indra teams are random and cannot be selected, so it's worst than the Grand Hall's trainers - Titania's castle is ok until level 60-65, then the process becomes slow. Also you cannot gain money so you can't complete it with rare candies So the Grand Hall remains the best method
  7. The problem is that leveling a pokemon from 1 to 90 is too much slow
  8. Ok thanks for the tip. I will try it tomorrow
  9. How can it be the best place if their encounter rate is so low?
  10. Since the last two episodes, I noticed that leveling up the new pokemon has become very boring. That's because we have a lot of fights to do for gaining the levels that we need, and even if the Grand Hall trainers have high level pokemon, the process is still slow due to their mixed base experience yield. The fastest solution should be a trainer with 6 Blissey, but this will drastically lower the difficult of the game (even if he were available only at the end of the last playable episode). So I want to ask you: which could be a good solution?
  11. I don't know where are the field notes 32-33-34-37 and the pulse dex descriptions 8-9-10-11. Can someone help me to find them?
  12. Both of them are very useful, so remove nasty plot/hypnosis
  13. Vulpix learns it at level 42, so it can be relearned with an heart scale
  14. If it has Snow Warning, use Blizzard because is powerful and spammable. If not, give it Ice Shard because a priority is always useful
  15. Can I have it too? Game.rxdata
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