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Everything posted by DragonType

  1. For trade I got a ton of 5IVs Gibles (1 6IVs Gible), Larvestas (Random IVs) and some Skrelp (3-4 IVs)
  2. Have the same problem I don't have the sweetheart before I even unlocked the other door to the girl on the 3rd floor and the one at the gym entrance isn't giving me another
  3. You can only, as of E17, get Larvesta and thereby Volcarona from the Mystery Egg Event (the pokemon in the egg is defined the moment you create a new save) if you still want a larvesta pm me, I got some for trade
  4. Online ID for trade? mine is Dragon, currently online
  5. @Harkonnen Any Skrelp? Without PKRS thank you
  6. @Harkonnen can you trade now? what you want in exchange?
  7. Thank you Ame and the Dev Team for this Can't wait to play E17 when I get back from work later, hopefully my team is up to the challenge
  8. I think another legendary that could potentially be released stat-wise would be Regigigas but lorewise you would need the other Regis to summon it, which are decent legendaries, so Regigigas would be out just because of that Other than that Manaphy would be the next option due to how Phione is obtained in the games by breeding Manaphy but I'd say its too powerful for the current game, maybe Ame will make Phione found in the wild since if it could be obtained by breeding Manaphy it wouldn't be marked as found in the wild/repeatable event but rather it would be marked as obtained through evolution/breeding
  9. Yes I still need one @Iron Avenger
  10. @Zarc ty just pm when you're available, anything in particular you want for the trade
  11. When going online which name is displayed, is the name of your character or the account you register as
  12. If you prefer E15 music, just download both E16 e 15 then copy paste the music folder in E15 to the one in E16, this will allow you to play E16 with E15 music All solid choices like the others have said thou I advise to go for another Fire type such as Arcanine and only keep camerupt for egg breeding btw to evolve Magneton you need to level him up on a room on Shade's Gym, if I'm not mistaken you can also get Rotom on the same room there later in the game which is another great option Yes E16 introduced online battles and trades you can access it through Pokegear -> Online
  13. Hi 1st time here so apologies if mistakes are made With E17 approaching I've returned to Reborn and would like to prepare a team but right now I've never been much on team strategies as I've usually just grabbed whatever pokemon I've found cool and added them (I tend to prefer Dragon or dragon-like Pokemon to create a semi-mono Dragon-Type team) so obviously I can do better so in the last few days I've been chain breeding a perfect 5 IV Feraligatr and I've been searching team strategies and would like to make an aggressive team with him as one of the sweepers I'd like to ask any tips regarding such teams I'm open to all currently available Pokemons for the team thank you in advance Noteworthy Pokemon I currently have: Feraligatr - Sheer Force - Adamant - Crunch/Waterfall/IcePunch/DragonDance Tyrantrum - Rock Head - Jolly - Dragon Claw/EarthQuake/HeadSmash/DragonDance Dragalge - Adaptability - Modest - Surf/DragonPulse/SludgeBomb/Toxic (got a second Dragalge with the same stats only difference is it has ToxicSpikes instead of Toxic) Rotom-W - Levitate - Bold - Discharge/DoubleTeam/Substitute/HydroPump Noivern - Infiltrator - Timid - DragonPulse/Hurricane/Flamethrower/DarkPulse Aggron - Rock Head - Impish - HeavySlam/HeadSmash/IcePunch/StealthRock Gliscor - Poison Heal - Careful - PoisonJab/SwordsDance/X-Scissor/KnockOff
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