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7 Fledgling

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

  2. Waaahh this is so nice!! Their expression is so lovely, especially Telsa's!! She looks so happy... :')
  3. I believe the problem with posting a fic on more than one site is to avoid people thinking you stole it from someone else, but I don't think it's a taboo, just something to avoid misunderstanding? If you would like to post your fic somewhere else, just let your readers know about it.
  4. (Correct me if I'm wrong, I need to replay this game at the some point.) Why Melanie would be automatically overwritten from the weird timeline if she belongs there? I believe the amulet only spared Melia/the MC from being automatically overwritten/erased at the moment we got sent to the alternative timeline. The universe still had the need to correct itself at the moment when Melia and Melanie had contact and considering that Crescent and Melia were able to interact in Amethyst Cave and in the past, at some point they would erase each other's existence if Crescent was future Melia.
  5. rorim b is a disaster but he got my support. tesla and crescent are my favorite so far! also i just fried my brain trying to guess what kind of flower crescent is using as an accessory but maybe i'm just overthinking stuffs
  6. You can save before mining, so if you don't get what you want you can just reset the game and mine again.
  7. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  8. Thanks for the answer, but I decided to try it today and it didn't work. I guess the game recognize the ability as HA and pass down Steadfast instead
  9. Souta was definitely HARD, but with some luck I beat him (Luxray saved my life and Accelerock? Good good). I believe the one I suffered the most was Angie and I had to use some seeds to beat her. Special mention to Erick, my laptop suddenly started to be slow af and the script wasn't loading, so the game restarted when I was about to beat him. It was hard but not as hard as Angie or Souta
  10. I know you can get the Rockruff with Own Tempo but I don't know if the ability can pass down while breeding, does anyone know the answer?
  11. Well, taking advantage of this thread while searching for the others themes, does anyone know where the Mood - Craggy came from?
  12. Zumi used to work on a fangame called Pokemon Xenogene! Team Splicer were the evil team from this game. --- Did some search and it seems like both themes are available on youtube!
  13. 1. Any plans to add a Swoobat crest? :3c 2. Are we going to have more moments and/or gameplay like the one we had in Zone Zero (switching between our main character and others characters)? I really enjoyed it! 3. ca we have a therapy in v13,,,, please the main cast and the mc deserves it
  14. I just want to say how much I love this game and I would like to thank y'all for working on it! This is the best fangame i've played so far and???idk i just love it and aaa!!!! Now, just for fun: how would you describe the MC's voice?
  15. Jan released a new patch yesterday, should be enough to fix this problem!
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