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  1. Iirc teleport mechanics were changed in let's go Pikachu/eevee, giving it - 6 priority and letting you switch. I'm not sure if rejuvenation follows those mechanics though
  2. I just finished v13.5, and I guess he could be Any thoughts?
  3. You should get it through the lighthouse quest. In the older version you could find mareep in the lighthouse, not sure now
  4. Dunno, but at the start of the game you can add the password "hello eizen" and something strange again happens lol
  5. Iirc the option "remember all" enables you to use the move relearner infinite times on a single Pokémon
  6. Be sure to update your game. I used the password earlyincu today and as soon as I did it I went out and in from the daycare and the incubator was there
  7. https://bigjra.github.io/rejuv.html You'll find locations for the various stamps in this walkthrough. It's not updated to v 13.5 though, so some may have changed
  8. Hey guys, I'm playing v13. 5 and have some questions: - Is there any way NOT to - Apparently in my current save I didn't do the forest restoration quest. I'm trying to do it now but I'm having trouble since A) I can't find the new safari zone, where is it? Lol B) Adrienn suggested asking people in akuwa if they wanted to help but there's nobody there, and I don't remember how to get to the xen ship - Tying in, I'm doing the restoration quest now since one of the researchers at league admin gave me a quest through which I - Where is the daycare now? Thanks in advance for any reply :)
  9. Here's a couple I've found pretty reliable in every fangame: - Swalot: definitely on the tank side, access to poison and sleep thanks to yawn, gulpin and swalot got me through so much boss battles, they can usually tank 1 hit from almost everything and guarantee a status condition, definitely useful until level 55/60 - The rock. You know who I'm talking about, that 3 stage rock type Evo you usually get in random mountains/ volcanoes. May that be golem, gigalith or colossal, they usually are a great defensive wall and can bring in some heavy hits (also, some of them have access to sturdy, which is a plus) - Speaking of rocks, Crustle. Great defense, sturdy and access to shell smash (which is guaranteed by sturdy) is a real game changer. - Swinub is a bit hard to train, but mamoswine hits hard and has priority through ice shard. - Meowstic. Prankster. That's enough right? - Bronzong comes in handy later in the game, but is usually available pretty early. Great defensive Mon, with some tricks under its... Bell
  10. I still have to try v 13.5, but from what I've read it should be much like jinx scent in desolation: it lets you influence the encounter rate of wild Pokémon, so entering a 0 will basically act as a constant repel, whereas giving a high value will heighten the encounter rate
  11. I'd say yeah, not perfect competitively but speed Atk and spdef are pretty good so thumbs up
  12. You can revert to a previous save file by searching for them in the game's save folder. You will have to cancel your current save (Game.exe) and change a previous save's name into Game.exe
  13. Mmh I don't recall level cap for flying gym, but sewaddle learns sticky web at lv 31 which may help you hit first, mostly with charjabug I'd guess. Another strat may be, if you can, get kricketune to learn fell stinger, finish someone with it and then sweep with slash. Some grinding, ev training and patience are required
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