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Everything posted by Blontary

  1. Dunno about fling, but regarding stay drops you've just been unlucky, I had the same strategy with my blaziken using sand attack and it worked pretty fine (at the 37thish attempt lol)
  2. Have you tried reporting it in the troubleshooting section?
  3. You should probably install the latest patch, I had no problem in changing time
  4. You can also use cursed body to disable decimation and get yveltal to struggle :)
  5. You need to go all east, pass the cubones and get to the den (kind of a Rocky well). A cutscene should start where nim says she wants to see what's inside the den. Go to the well and interact with it from it's southern part. It is kinda bugged, so if you don't get it right first time just run around the den clicking against it until something happens lol
  6. You can find it, but it's super rare. I tried catching one but ofc I critted and he died, spent the next 30 mins searching for it at no avail and gave up lol
  7. Have you completed all the side quests? And I mainly refer to the Narcissa dufaux one
  8. I've been waiting for this for SO long!! Recently I've been using a walkthrough made by Bigjra, an awesome work that could really help in filling in the wiki, I'll link it here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15xTq0zsyc5pBIaodnuvHYmUTnDMXQ7oI/view?usp=drivesdk
  9. Np dude :) Out of curiosity, where did you find the wailmer?
  10. Agree with yahiro, it's actually quite some times that pcs don't heal up
  11. I had the same impression starting anew with v13. I had 2 save files at the end of v12 but decided to get a new game to better recall the plot, and jeez am I having hard times in battle. I always try to use new Pokémon, so at first I thought it was just me not used to them or that some Pokémon MUST be used in the early game, but things ain't getting better. As you said, tough fights were always a thing (damn amber in v10 or 11 I don't remember), but there were many gimmicks to win. V 13 introduced a new difficulty which I'm not sure I'm appreciating. I like challenges, but some fights I won just for pure RNG and weren't satisfactory at all.
  12. https://drive.google.com/file/d/15xTq0zsyc5pBIaodnuvHYmUTnDMXQ7oI/view?usp=drivesdk This is a walkthrough made by Bigjra that should help you get a recap :)
  13. Ivs at that lv won't matter much, breeding is just to get more mons, 2 combusken could help. Egg moves also probably won't be a thing, kinda early
  14. Ok so I had quite some trouble myself too. I used to start off by killing the stonjourner, but actually if you can lower his atk he's actually no threat at all, meaning you can easily focus the other team member. I'm afraid your team is quite weak to hers though, weezing and venusaur ain't your best bet against a psychic team, and xatu and ribombee may have a hard time against stonjourner, solrock and lunatone. I would suggest trying out obstagoon which could help you out. Also, by this time you should have gained access to both snorunt and the dawn stone, meaning you're able to get a froslass which could greatly help with a stab fast shadowball plus her cursed body ability (which you may want for an impossible battle you will find later...) . Electrode with screens and eerie impulse also helped me a lot. Good luck man! :)
  15. The other guys summed it up well: no other fire Pokémon available and you need a full team. Breeding would be great, if not possible though I'd suggest catching a couple of fletchlings and evolving them: you may then abuse their flame body ability to try and cripple keta's offensive power. Gale wings may also help you in revenge killing. Pansear may hel you with yawn and play nice. Good luck man!
  16. Zumi clarified that exposing Flora won't give you negative karma, only telling Cassandra will. Aside from that, someone said that choosing
  17. Electrode may also help you, being a fast light screen setter and being able to use flash :)
  18. Ok so I recently started a new playthrough and only found 3 up to now (didn't search for them though, just happened to find them doing other things). 2 I found on route 3 (between Sheridan and golden leaf?), one running from the bidoofs and the other hiding. Another I found next to the gym in Akuwa town. There's a walkthrough made by Bigjra that could help you, here's the link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15xTq0zsyc5pBIaodnuvHYmUTnDMXQ7oI/view?usp=drivesdk
  19. Yeah that giratina-geara fight is quite annoying, I also used nuzzle and charm with dedenne to generally make enemy Pokémon useless, the either set up with blaziken or just fire off hits. That morgrem is a real pain in the butt so you should prioritize killing it, and then always keep in mind clefairy will use follow me whenever possible. Narcissa was hell. I tried for like an hour without seeing any solutions, I got to teach Flash to my golduck to remove the terrain just to discover that it automatically resets after 2-3 turns (I think it's bugged, should last at least 5 turns). The game changer has been going back and getting the voltorb. Electrode out speeds her team, can flash and set up light screen. Though I still got wrecked by the mismagius, I finally got a chance to set up my blaziken against her mimikyu and shotted the rest of the team. Overall it was a really unsatisfactory win, because it happened out of pure luck. In my opinion boss fights in v13 aren't balanced that well.
  20. In one of the other rooms you can interact with a computer which will tell you the first password (UNBOUND)
  21. How did you manage to beat narcissa? I tried a couple times but it's giving me much more problems than in the past
  22. I suggest trying out dedenne, I'm finding it amazing! Trubbish and gulpin are also kinda nice :)
  23. I used mudkip in both my first runs of reborn and rejuv, and I confirm that with it's great defensive and offensive typing and mice move pool he's a great addition to any team :) Primarina and contrary Serperior also are kinda fun, and even incineroar is ok, though harsh early on.
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