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Everything posted by Blontary

  1. I guess if you choose run the tauros won't be freed by it
  2. If you go on the item guide and search for the virtual badges you'll find them all listed with their location
  3. Really? Then I must have beat them with parting shot silvally, don't remember. As in every double battle you just need to wear down a single side and the other will also go down eventually
  4. Also, I may totally be wrong, but iirc that fangame about melia was what inspired rejuv, and not viceversa. Just a thing I think I read years ago
  5. Yeah go on, Risa is going to make a visit to the top of the pyramid and will then get back to the studios
  6. There's a bug reporting thread for this
  7. If it's only one Pokémon stopping you just poison it to death or put it to sleep
  8. A part from the 2 you get from the culvier clan, if you finish Narcissa's quest and you go back to the powerplant in gearen the scientist will give you another stamp
  9. There's another crystal in forlorned cave in route 9, maybe try that?
  10. After the renovation of gearen you'll find 3 new quests at the help center
  11. Did you find a razor fang for that gliscor? If yes, where?
  12. With either amulet coin or lucky incense fight trainers (gearen lab ones if they still exist, otherwise sidequest ones)
  13. Yep it already was in v11. But just as you said, not sure if this was in v11, but now SIR PELIPPER is available in route 10 (north from route 9)
  14. Would reroll, that nature will piss you off and those hp/ Def will make him quite frail being slow
  15. Are you playing V12? And where are you with the story?
  16. There are several time crystals that can get you to the past: route 9 in souta's mansion, sashila village in Alexandra's bedroom ecc. There was one also on top of carotous mountain but dunno if it's working at that point of the story. Just try remembering the storyline
  17. I believe you should also finish the neo-gearen new sidequests (the ones with Aya) first
  18. First of all you should keep in mind you won't find "strong" Pokémon early in the game. Here are some tips for early on: Gulpin in the sewers will help a lot by tanking and poisoning. You can find early in the game a growlithe/ litleo by doing a sidequest in gearen city. Not much later in amethyst cave you can find meditite, a good iv meditite with huge power ability is of some help. Rightafter Sheridan village you'll find venipede, speed boost scolipede still saves my ass today, in association with protect and toxic it's really useful in boss battles. I don't remember the first pokes you meet, though I totally recommend doing every sidequest you can so you can get pretty nice Pokemons.
  19. So I just had the battle with Amanda and thought to leave my notes so it will be easier for others in the future: If she said she gonna bash u - use topple If she said u won't win (how do I hammer bla bla) - use bash If she said you're not prepared - use tank And that was enough to me lol With these three in mind that battle is pretty easy, just block if u don't feel safe and you're good to go
  20. Blontary

    XP farm

    Actually there is, hiyoshi city (past). From the hospital of hope go right till you get to the market area, then south, you'll see it on your right. People say it has LV 75 audinos, though in my game they're LV 72 (but there's 6 of them)
  21. It depends, dusknoir crest boosts atk and grants technician ability, they're all quite different
  22. Ok guys I thought it was clear but it seems not so I WAS IRONIC. Just chill. The whole post was just meant to have a laugh all together, I know it's not even thinkable to sue Nintendo, as in the first place it's we who are stealing it's original property, so just calm down and have fun. That is not just a big Pokémon with a red aura, there's also the "rift dimension", the fact you're getting there in groups and the choice of the Pokémon which alltogether make for a great similarity. That said, as crossimpact stated, let's hope they get inspired by rejuv and reborn
  23. Ok so I've just been told that in this new trailer of Pokémon sword and shield A rift gyarados has been ffin stolen from rejuv, I laughed not taking it seriously but guess what DAMN IS THAT NOT OUR LIL FRIEND RIFTGYARA, WITH THOSE CUTE PINKY CLOUDS. First thought was of how a great lawsuit would it be for Jan to protect his ideas, but of course then Nintendo would just erase this whole community, so in the end just wanted to share this moment with you guys. Peace
  24. Iirc there's a sidequest involving that robot-girl from the future You meet in the underground in GDC. She Will get to the hospital and will cure those Pokémon, and then things happen. It should begin from the Police district, where they tell You officer Jenny got to the hospital
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