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seki108 last won the day on November 21 2024

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1229 Sage

About seki108

  • Birthday February 7

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    Somewhere in the multiverse
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    Besides Pokemon: Anime, especially in the Mecha; several video game franchise, mainly Super Robot Wars; back into Touhou after many years

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  1. Getting closer to the part about the Magma Stone.  To keep the Magma Stone or give it up, that is the question?  I know it used to that Ralts was locked to one option in V9 but I don't know if that's the case anymore.

    1. SilverAngelus


      Well, here's the real decision to choose upon: to save the Eldest or to not?

      The Magma Stone event isn't the option that allows you to obtain Ralts earlier or not. At least, not directly.


      If you choose to save Amber in Valor Mountain (that involves fighting an ancient blue whale!) then you get a key to access the Xen Backup lab back at Secret Shore. 


    2. seki108


      Yeah, I know, but the actual difference is whether you get the piece.


      I was just going by the guide I saw in my V9 playthrough, which said that it affected it.  Either that or my memory is faulty.  Hopefully the 'don't save' option has the same Saki mecha scene as the other one did last time.

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