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seki108 last won the day on November 21 2024

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1229 Sage

About seki108

  • Birthday February 7

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    Somewhere in the multiverse
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    Besides Pokemon: Anime, especially in the Mecha; several video game franchise, mainly Super Robot Wars; back into Touhou after many years

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  1. Does Amplified Rock increase Tailwind's duration?  I know it increased some things, but I can't find what exactly.  I want to know if it's worth trying to mine for?  for the purpose of beating this complete BS fight 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. seki108


      I just wanted to see if I could extend it longer, since there is absolutely no way that 6 turns would be enough.  I'm not sure if the strong winds will help since I haven't tried this tactic yet but here's hoping.  Thank you for likely confirming this, since I would rather not sit and SR in front of a rock right now.

    3. HUEnd


      Yeah, it doesn't work. I just checked the original post and Ame stated it right here.

    4. seki108


      Nice find!  I guess it would start being a bit OP at that point.


      At least a Tailwind srategy is working more consistently, though I have to change a few things up still.  Somehow this turned into pure Blizzard spam with a high jump kick for Typlosion.

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