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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

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Everything posted by seki108

  1. Any chance for Cosmog's post-game quest to involve bags? The meme potential is too great! Will it maybe possible for a post-game move tutor(s) to teach some Pokemon moves they only learned in special events, similar to Insurgence? It mostly applies to legendaries/mythicals like Entei and that insane Victini (2nd and 3rd images below), but it would be a nice little bit for the post-game. However, I can understand mostly wanting to stick to mostly-canon selections of move tutor moves. Thank you for answering so many of our questions, even though I've had to dodge V11 and V12 spoilers like walking through a minefield Edit: Will the Toilet Paper key item be used someday, if it hasn't already in stuff I haven't gotten to yet?
  2. IIRC, unless things have changed, the shinies in V9 onward were all/mostly community created, though they were supervised/judged/critiqued by Jan before being included.
  3. Are there planned to be more unique/rare items that can be traded for AP points in future versions, as well as more/higher achievements I suppose? IMO, the achievement system is more interesting that just being given HM replacements and is a positive addition now that I'm replaying the game from the start.
  4. Finally!   Get buried in the snow!   


    I knew Intense mode got a boost between V9 and V11, but I didn't think it was this much.



    I'm glad Sillvally had Life Orb instead of the crest that's apparently in the data for it, since I basically had to wait for it to faint itself with recoil + Hail chip damage



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. seki108


      Yeah, I don't want to be anywhere near this fight for a good long while, so no testing that for me thank you.

    3. SilverAngelus


      Congratulations Seki~ 💜


      @Autumn Zephyr What effect does the Silvally crest have?

    4. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr

      It gives silvally a 20% increase to attacks of the same Type as its held Memory (effectively turning Memories into Plates only it can use), and simulates a different Ability based off of Type silvally is. Unfortunately, we don't have a list of what those Abilities are, though it's been confirmed that Normal!silvally does get one. 


      ...Basically, it makes up for the chimera's more glaring flaws. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  5. Does Amplified Rock increase Tailwind's duration?  I know it increased some things, but I can't find what exactly.  I want to know if it's worth trying to mine for?  for the purpose of beating this complete BS fight 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. seki108


      I just wanted to see if I could extend it longer, since there is absolutely no way that 6 turns would be enough.  I'm not sure if the strong winds will help since I haven't tried this tactic yet but here's hoping.  Thank you for likely confirming this, since I would rather not sit and SR in front of a rock right now.

    3. HUEnd


      Yeah, it doesn't work. I just checked the original post and Ame stated it right here.

    4. seki108


      Nice find!  I guess it would start being a bit OP at that point.


      At least a Tailwind srategy is working more consistently, though I have to change a few things up still.  Somehow this turned into pure Blizzard spam with a high jump kick for Typlosion.

  6. Almost won the Zetta-Gerra battle (I think) but then Mega Gengar came in to outspeed Lyconrock and one-shot it with a Thunder.......................................


    back to square one with hoping I get another lucky run like that.......

    1. seki108


      Well, seems like Gerra still had a Clefable after that so I guess it wasn't an almost win

  7. Was Tepig added to Valor Mountain in V12, because I can't find it anywhere there in V11 and the guide that mentions it being there already mostly updated to V12?  There is not Rock Climb wall where it mentions it being.



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. seki108


      I've heard the special Rilou might have been removed in V12, so I'm sticking with V11 until then just in case.  Plus, I've heard the cliffhanger at the end of V11 was great, and for me it would probably be best experienced with the usual 'preview' at the end.


      It's mostly updated to V12 but little things slip though, like a minor name changes to original TMs.  Everything else has mostly matched, but there was bound to be some stuff added early on.  I'll hate having to go back in here to get it later.............  



    3. BIGJRA


      Riolu is still there, and Tepig is new in V12

    4. seki108


      I see.  Thank you for the conformation on both!

  8. Getting closer to the part about the Magma Stone.  To keep the Magma Stone or give it up, that is the question?  I know it used to that Ralts was locked to one option in V9 but I don't know if that's the case anymore.

    1. SilverAngelus


      Well, here's the real decision to choose upon: to save the Eldest or to not?

      The Magma Stone event isn't the option that allows you to obtain Ralts earlier or not. At least, not directly.


      If you choose to save Amber in Valor Mountain (that involves fighting an ancient blue whale!) then you get a key to access the Xen Backup lab back at Secret Shore. 


    2. seki108


      Yeah, I know, but the actual difference is whether you get the piece.


      I was just going by the guide I saw in my V9 playthrough, which said that it affected it.  Either that or my memory is faulty.  Hopefully the 'don't save' option has the same Saki mecha scene as the other one did last time.

  9. So many Insect Plates. I just want a Zap plate!

  10. Angie.......pain.....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. seki108


      ...........I forgot to attach the image.  I'll just chock it up to post-victory euphoria



    3. J-Awesome_One


      Hmm... That's after you beat "Gym Leader" Angie right?

    4. seki108


      Yeah.  I know it's supposed to disappear at some point, but I don't know how soon to check back.  I guess after Mt. Valor is finished is a good time to......

  11. IIRC, people who helped in the shiny spriting before V9 got a special initial patch of the game which gave the player some extra rewards, one of them being Bagon. @luis helped with the spriting, though I don't remember which mons he did. I suppose he could have also degugged it in later.
  12. Well, welcome to these forums as a user. Hope you enjoy your stay.
  13. While this playthrough of Rejuvenation has reinforced to me the importance of Speed Control, it's also reminded me of how slow I am at playing Pokemon compared to most people I've talked to.

  14. You got to level 6? Even after looking u a lot of guides, I only got to level 5 twice. After level 3 or 4, the last few spaces really do come down to luck.
  15. At first I just wanted to try it my first run, but it pulled its weight well for most of V9/10......though it did drop off a little at the end. It's legit a great support mon, imo. It definitely improved in V11 with it getting Electroweb for great Speed control (especially in doubles so far). I'm going to keep using it until it starts not doing anything. I've heard that V11 intense really ramps up from V9's intense, so it may start getting used less sooner this run. Ironically, it's mostly useless in the Valery fight right now.
  16. I forgot how much I hated the Water's Surface field.  I wish that Misty Terrain actually canceled out the Water's Surface field effect but everything still outspeeds most of my mons. 


    How does Primarina's Surf on it have enough to knock out a full HP Tangrowth.  Sure it's not EV trained yet but come on.......back to square 1......again.

    1. krim


      At least its not the Underwater one. You're basically required to find a way to get rid of that unless you're doing a Water mono or something

    2. seki108


      I'm glad I'm not going by any 'no item' rules or anything like that

    3. krim


      Dealing with Underwater (and then Water Surface) for my mono-fire Intense run was uh...interesting.



  17. My current team for my second playthrough. Tangrowth and Tsareena were just trained up for the Valery battle, so they may not be permanent.........but will probably replace Roselia My 'current' team for my first playthrough. I could still continue at any time so it's still 'current' in my eyes
  18. Enjoy your ninja frog! Sorry about it's opening moveset, but that's how I got it. It should level up quick enough.
  19. Ok, I can trade you when you're ready
  20. I know I have spare one or two. Give me a minute or two to find it. What is your trade ID?
  21. Well, I didn't expect the Madame X fight to go that way.  Cursed Body really came though and keeping Protect on Swampert was a good decision. 


    I feel stupid for leveling up two Meditite and Graveler only to forget that the Madame X fight came another fight......so I didn't bring them.  I definitely worked better this way.  Thank you, Pickup for the Revives.




    1. SilverAngelus


      My Banette's (S) Cursed Body really came through during this fight for me as well!

  22. A few days after the new Sw/Sh trailer and I already have to take a second glance at artwork on my timeline to make sure whether it was Youmu or Bea I saw.  The comparison/outfit swap artwork is out (3 below), and the 'tanned Youmu' and 'Alolan Youmu' jokes have been made (only about an hour after the trailer).





  23. No problem it's a honest mistake. Sadly, not much we can do here. I don't even know if Togepi is available as a mystery egg option
  24. .........Rift Dex. Are you playing Rejuvenation??
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