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About lifesapity

  • Birthday August 29

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  1. This trainer asks if you want to fights,but still fights you if you say no.
  2. To vs her you really need a few pokemon with at least 41 hp so that they can soak up two sonicbooms and live, after that she bceomes alot easier. Besides that my favorite strategy is a Mightyena with Moxie, which is able to sweep a good portion of her team.
  3. I know this is probably too late... with community release just around the corner and all... But is there any chance of a password that will allow the player to choose their own starter? Something like: Starter447 to get a Rilou Starter133 to get an Eevee Starter328 to get a Trapinch There are so many Pokemon I would love to try using as a starter, either for a monotype run or just because I love the Pokemon itself. I know this is technically possible using online play and having a friend trade you a Pokemon, but I would love if there was a way that didn't have to resort to that.
  4. Alolan-Ninetails with Snow Warning + Aurora Veil (w/ Light Clay) Will give your team a great defensive aid.
  5. Out of curiosity do we know if there is going to be an Open Beta release (like prior episodes) or will we just head straight into the Full Community Release?
  6. Whats your fav new mon? I love this little guy
  7. One word to describe this atrocity. This game made me hate it even more from the number I see in wondertrade due to the machine that gives these out.
  8. here is a mega-lucario based on the old sprite for anyone that wants it (I have been using it for ages, since I also loved the old one and bred a shiny lucario for it and had it taken away from me ) @LilyX @Enigma Shot U @Mr.Fahzy @Tomahawk
  9. thx so much, will make trying to breed this shiny sharpedo a lot easier
  10. Starting a breeding chain for a mega sharpedo would love it if anyone had a spare female Bruxish lying around unused.
  11. In the department store you can buy the power items (after you get enough stickers to get to Floor 4) and that makes it incredibly simple to ev train anything that needs speed and one other stat, go into the railnet hit the two shadows and kill the noibats and leave and then enter again. With power items you can fully ev train a pokemon like this in under 10 mins. If you don't want speed then it becomes trickier, you can fish with a low leveled rod for grimers to get hp but it takes a lot longer. You can also buy the berries that can be used to reset ev's in case you want to keep your starter but re-train them
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