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Everything posted by lifesapity

  1. Requested Pokemon : Snorunt Gender : --- Item: --- Ability : --- Nature : --- IV Spread : 5iv With or without Pokerus : --- Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : --- With or without Egg Moves: --- Other Egg Moves(please specify) : Can I please have one with Spikes, Rollout and Hex Offered Pokemon : Nidoran Gender : female or male Item : --- Ability : ---- Nature : --- IV Spread : 6iv Pokerus : no Shininess : no Egg Moves : 3 on males, 4 on females Online ID : lifesapity
  2. Female Meowstic with charge beam, that girl literally carried me on her back for half the game. Special mention to Special Attack Nidoking (what I didn't know existed)
  3. I also had this problem on my first playthrough <. < I would trade you one but seki seems you have you covered.
  4. @braulio Sorry I have plenty of 6iv nidoran but I am 99% sure they are not in that type of ball
  5. @Candy yep that's fine I'll be home in ~2 hours, what do you have for trade?
  6. @Smogoon Josh Ready when you are (had a spare from shiny breeding), trade name lifesapity
  7. I can get you one, need to breed it, wont be long.
  8. @Dr. Exorcist I will be online in 3.5 hours if you are avaliable then.
  9. @U-M yep that sounds good @Dr. Exorcist i will take a x in atk misdreveous
  10. @Dr. Exorcist I already have some high IV spirittombs, do you have any interesting shinys? @Candy I need to check what one I need when I get home in 3.5 hours. I will get back to you then.
  11. I have been away for a while, these pokemon are still avaliable if anyone is intrested.
  12. 7/10 Sousuke needs to chill out. Trailer for a game coming out sometime at some point.
  13. 9/10 I'm a big power metal fan, though I haven't heard a whole lot of Sabaton I'll take a look through their music when I get the chance. Another AMV, the two characters portrayed are not even from the same show
  14. 7.5/10 I don't think I am in a position to talk about the problems in America so I wont. But I agree with the premise that all lives matter regardless of the amount of pigment in your skin. Thoughts on this AMV.
  15. Arcanine is my fav Pokemon and he looks majestic 10/10 The rest are pretty great as well 9/10 @HongaarseBeer97
  16. @HongaarseBeer97 Whatever is in that spoiler bracket isn't showing up for me
  17. If you wait until I get home (15 min ) I can give you something you don't need to give back
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