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Everything posted by lifesapity

  1. 8.5/10 Loved It, mainly because Neil Patrick Harris is great. This amazing contraption is next
  2. If it interests you the current Shiny Lugia Sprite is pretty close to Shadow Lugia
  3. I've always been an avid reader, ever since I first entered my high school's library many many years ago. I have read many novels and thought I might share some I love with you, and I thought you may do the same. Perhaps I will pick some of your favorites up when I get the chance. Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss The Three Worlds Cycle by Ian Irvine The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher The Lightbringer Series by Brent Weeks The Night Angel Trilogy by Brent Weeks The Riftwar Saga by Raymond E. Feist Jack West Jr Series by Matthew Reilly PS: Thank you @Lugruf for giving me the idea.
  4. @Lugruf Oh don't get me wrong it's defiantly a great book it's just a shame how short it is. However that might be part of the charm
  5. @Anti_Hero It's a great book however it's only a very short story about a beloved minor side character from the main book series " The Kingkiller Chronicle" What is probably my favorite book series of all time (or at least in the top 3) Blurb from the first book Should probably mention I believe my profile picture is a portrayal of Gambit from the X-men when he was younger.
  6. 7/10 super adorable How about something made for me by @Arkiel
  7. 7/10 I like the character design however he is hard to see because of the background color. Another background color might let him "pop" out of the picture more.
  8. 8/10 still great, but not quite as good as the last one (probably because of the lack of that sexy saxophone) How about something Pokemon related
  9. Female Meowstic that pokemon literately carried most of the game. I will be forever thankful to that ball of fluff.
  10. Yes, Currently Dominions 4 and Age of Wonders 3. Dom 4 being the most in depth game I have ever played. Age of Wonders 3 is Final fantasy tactics meets Civ. Pm me if you want more details or read up on them yourself. Do you like pizza with pineapple on top?
  11. Mega Arcanine only because that thing would be GLORIOUS
  12. 9.9/10 the smile on my face grew larger and larger as i listened, -0.1 due to not being long enough. @Candy That version itself is a cover of the original by Simon & Garfunkel My current desktop wallpaper is next up
  13. @seki108 Online now @Candy np, ill take any of those, I'm online if you still are
  14. Simple game, Rate the post above you and post something you like for the next person to Rate. (Please put pictures/videos in a spoiler tab to cut down on the load time) To start off I will rate Pokemon Reborn 9.5/10 I love this game, and the difficulty that comes with it, the few things I dislike include TERRA and the way she breaks me out of the immersion and the excess of money I accumulate (Mainly due to the repeatable trainer battles needed to train my spare Pokemon) For the next person Rate this:
  15. @Sj9918 I will take the dratini @seki108 That shiny nincada sounds great @Candy I would love a 5IV female misdreavus (preferably with low sp.a so i can make it high with a power item) @Dr. Exorcist Can i have from your trading thread the axew F - 31/31/31/31/31/2 and the mawwile F - 31/31/31/31/31/7 ? @Saintsy From your trading post can I have the F -6IV cyndaquill, F Mudkip - Attack, Shiny Male Trapinch - Defense ?
  16. @EspeonLover np, whenever I'm breeding for shineys I wondertrade off most of the 5IV Pokemon. I don't mind the trash in return since I was just going to release them anyway, better that someone else gives them a good home
  17. On my first run through the game Sigmund taught me the true meaning of fear he beat me over and over and over again I ended up needing to go back and get my second donphan out of the box and spamming earthquake with both of them until he stopped moving. On my second run for some reason pulse swalot countered my entire team had to go home and rethink my life.
  18. There is a trade to get a pokemon through the gates that you can't do until much later unless you bring the required pokemon with you. You need to bring for trade: "A Pokemon that shocks on touch, And through no ability or such old hat, On whom Electric moves always fall flat."
  19. 9/10 You lose a point because I'm going to miss the walking gif.
  20. In interested in the 6IV males to fill out my breeding stock I can offer 6IV Spiritomb, Bagon, Rilou and Ralts all with egg moves.
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