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Everything posted by lifesapity

  1. @Saintsy Seems good, It will have to wait until tomorrow though.
  2. I have, I'm just talking about the personal story touch that Solaris getting a randomly shiny Garchomp would give. (also just noticed it could be awkward for Pokemon that are show on the overworld as non shiny but then you see them in battle as shiny, but that already happens a little)
  3. @Ice Cream Sand Witch Yea, I've realized that how it works from reading up on it <.< Its a shame though, it would be interesting for it to be a random chance in your game if a rival or gym leader had a shiny instead of it being set, and them keeping that pokemon for the rest of the playthrough. But hard to code, maybe impossible, based on the engine. Ohh well, I can dream. Thanks for the answers. <3
  4. @Ice Cream Sand Witch I meant so it would randomly decide if the pokemon they were using was shiny the first time they used it, and kept it like that for the rest of the game. ie: when Cain gets the oshawott and battles you, it checks to see if its shiny (by checking its personality value) and if it is for the rest of the game he would have a shiny oshawott, and if it didn't he wouldn't.
  5. It would be great if a rival got a shiny on their first battle with you it stayed shiny for the rest of the game, however I foresee that being hard to code <.<
  6. I would love to see rivals/gym leaders having the same chance to have shinys on there team, would make a run feel special.
  7. I was just wondering in reborn is it possible for enemy trainers/gym leaders/rivals to have a shiny? If so do they also have the increased shiny chance?
  8. No it only has one great game atm, and since it just came out the price is at the highest point. Have you ever played Okami?
  9. I used to be when i was younger but I grew out of it. Are you happy in general?
  10. @ortensiolamonte I will take the abra @Dr. Exorcist Is the skrelp male or female?
  11. I have been breeding Shiny Pokemon for myself and trading off a couple of extras of each of them. I just wanted to ask what should be the next addition? You can see all the Shiny sprites in the game by... I have the following females ready to go, however you can suggest any Pokemon that you think has a cool shiny sprite and you think people would like to get their hands on Eevee, Axew, Zubat, Flabebe, Dratini, Spiritomb, Gligar, Nidoran, Deino, Lucario
  12. @Anti_Hero I use your shop all the time, so anything you want to give, surprise me
  13. I love my umbreon Toxic Protect Wish Foul Play/Baton Pass I chain bred Protect, Wish and Toxic on him a few episodes back. Won me many battles I should of lost. Looking great as a Shiny helps
  14. @Animefan666 I will take the shellder, 2nd togepi and ninjask @seki108 shiny or non shiny?
  15. I always assumed they connected into one big underground area/crater
  16. @Vernund That's OK you can just give me anything you think I would like
  17. @Vernund I love 5iv females that I don't already have, otherwise an intresting shiny is always nice. @seki108 I will check when i get home.
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