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Everything posted by lifesapity

  1. @Petrol @panxiaotian I won't be on for most of today, pm me with your timezone and when you are avaliable.
  2. Just wondering what you were up to? Anstane?
  3. Nope just me. Our friendly neighborhood glaceon, anstane?
  4. I love the night sky and the robot is pretty cute 7/10
  5. @panxiaotian Yea, I would love an espurrrrrrrrrr and a pawniard
  6. Was hard narrowing it down, hope I didn't forget any <.<
  7. At the moment... Fettuccine all’Amatriciana Mmmm... might make that for dinner on the weekend < . <
  8. If espeon was gone my next choice was leafeon since I have the others I want, but only because the shiny looks nice What 2 were the females?
  9. I apologize for the scruff around my neck <.<
  10. @Maelstrom It's a real achievement, the best thing is for 6 years the only way to get the achievement was to level up the monsters by dying repeatedly in their presence so when you kill them they give you xp. <.< https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Defender_of_Ascalon https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Death_leveling
  11. Guild Wars, get to max level in the tutorial area (you stop getting xp from enemies if they are too low level compared to you)
  12. sure ill breed you something give me like 2 mins.
  13. Hey if anyone here is from Aus and wants to play league of legends, overwatch or something else let me know
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