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Everything posted by crulla

  1. Yeah Pyukumuku holding a Chesto Berry is the best strategy here imo. My strategy was: Purify it, Toxic it to remove Lum Berry and then Memento. Swap to Electrode to Paralyze and Screech it as much as possible until Electrode dies, then to Meowstic to set up both screens and Fake Tears until Meowstic dies. Switch in Ribombee with Sweet Veil to block Sweet Kiss and use Dazzling Gleam to kill off as much shields as possible - if you get off 1 Fake Tears then you'll shave of 1 shield per Dazzling Gleam - if invested enough, Ribombee can live long enough to get her down to 0-1 shield. Aevian Parasect + Copperajah can deal with the rest - they should easily kill her if she was Screeched once or twice.
  2. Grumpig with Mirror Coat and anything faster than Galvantula that can twoshot it was my strategy for the fight. You can also use the free Ducklett whose egg you get in Akuwa for Defog after removing Galvantula and more Pokemon gets access to Rapid Spin I believe.
  3. I did the quest after Ryland, so I guess the director appears maybe after Adam or Ryland
  4. Machamp + Oranguru for Trick Room + anything to deal with Jynx is my winning strategy after like 30 attemps god fuck that Angie fight.
  5. the lady trading an own tempo rockruff should appear at her old place after you get fly now
  6. Sometimes they won't give you the stamp without talking to the questgiver - I had forgotten to talk to the Gentleman in the Rose Theater and hadn't gotten the Stamp until I went on a shopping spree 3 episodes later, for example.
  7. Maybe it's about the IVs? Can someone confirm this?
  8. there should but apparently the pokedex is buggy so you can't right now.
  9. iirc all 3 of them (Sheridan, Department of Dreams, Axis Courtyard) won't give you egg moves until post-Adam.
  10. Also I'd recommend replaying the game again - the earlygame got reworked to be much less plothole-y (the entirety of chapter 3 and 4, I'm looking at you), and it's a bit harder than before to keep you on your toes.
  11. Inteleon comes in very late (post-Adam), but makes up for it by being extremely efficient at killing things. He carried Saki hard for me - oneshotting half her team by himself after Wonder Room removal. 100% Crit Rate Sniper is one hell of a drug. Aevium Parasect also was a major player, putting a stop to any glass cannon Pokemon (hi Geara's Mega Gengar). Sandaconda is also surprisingly reliable - between Coil, Dig, Rock Tomb and Glare, she can set up on anything and hit back hard. My Sandaconda took out 2 of Ryland's most terrifying mons by herself - Excadrill and M-Camerupt. She outdid all her competition until I got a Garchomp. Grumpig's also very useful early game - a lynchpin in the first 3 gyms, and one of the earliest ways to get Magic Coat to completely laugh at Crawli. Perrserker was a powerhouse earlygame, and her usefulness only really waned at Erick. Cooperajah is Perrserker's replacement, and boy he does not disappoint - oneshotting Gardevoir from 60% health is no small feat. Alolan Ninetales came in clutch against Zetta/Geara, and hoo boy she does not stop being useful, even without Aurora Veil access. Boltund really puts in work against Narcissa, Valerie and Souta - he hits hard and is very fast, though lack of Ice Fang does hurt. He's still the best boy though. Electrode, Male Meowstic and Pyukumuku are what I'd call the cheese squad, able to cripple and tank many bosses that would be impossible otherwise (hi Rift Gardevoir). And lastly, my starter, Rillaboom. Kind of weak before Rillaboom, but after evolving, hoo boy the pain train never stops. Wood Hammer hits everything hard, and he has a very varied movepool, with amazing hits like Knock Off and Acrobatics. Drum Beating is a very useful utility, too. Edit: Forgot Greedent lmao. She's a goddamn monster and is basically diet Snorlax with inbuilt Counter, which is ridiculously good earlygame and still pulls her weight until post-Adam for me. 95 base Attack and 120 base HP before Keta is ludicrously broken imo. I usually use a debuffing strategy against Rift Mons: Pyukumuku Purifies the field, removing it, then Toxic (If it's slow and bulky or to get rid of Lum Berries in the case of Rift Gardevoir) or Memento (if it's fast and hard-hitting). Electrode Paralyses and decreases the enemies Def and SpA if possible, then set up a screen, then Meowstic come in and decrease the Rift's Atk and SpD and set up screens if Electrode couldn't or the Rift is a mixed attacker. After this, the Rift should be mostly neutered so I can send out my hard hitters to break the shield and kill the Rift.
  12. V13 changed the person you need to talk to to Rorim B, who should be on Terajuma Shore with a boat behind him.
  13. Seed Bomb Bullet Seed is 25 x 5 = 125 Power Seed Bomb is (80 x 0.35) x 5 = 140 Power.
  14. I don't think so, as the Crest said make every move multihit with 35% base power, not 35 base power.
  15. also keep in mind you need to finish all Kakori helps quests to gain access to the grass on that island.
  16. extract the patch copy the contents of the extracted folder (there should be a few folders in the newly extracted patch folder) paste it into your game folder (the one with the game.exe) when asked if you want to replace files, say yes
  17. A-Lapras has higher Atk than SpA, so a Physical Attacking set with No Guard Sing or Solid Rock 4 attacks is more effective imo
  18. iirc it either evolves when having zap cannon or with a thunderstone
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