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Everything posted by crulla

  1. if they're blocking you, that means you aren't done with the story in the other wards just yet
  2. From the center area (where the train station is), go right, cross a bridge. Afterwards, go upwards until you reach a guard gate. After that gate is the Justice District.
  3. crulla

    Fairy-Type TM

    The Fairy gym (the 15th? Somewhere around that number) In Gen 7, there's only 1 Fairy type TM: Dazzling Gleam, a pretty good move, so you'll get it fairly late tbh
  4. Here's a few ideas to get you started if you're looking for things to use: Hail and Sandstorm gives chip damage, which you will sorely need. Aurora Veil and Safeguard is also important. Priority moves, while not doing that much damage, is also a source of chip damage. Lowering Gard's stats is also extremely useful. Get rid of the side mons as quickly as possible. While she has perfect neutral coverage, there are still quite a few mons that can withstand neutral attacks. My personal favourite is Araquanid. Redirection is extremely useful too, especially if you think that the side mon's gonna use Heal Pulse next turn.
  5. I'll say the Mega-Z Ring
  6. Aironfaar's Additional Opinions have an opinion where you can turn on Debug Mode, which would let you edit your Pokemon EVs and IVs.
  7. crulla

    guide lookout

    I've gotten a pretty good guide for E17 here. E18 doesn't really change much of it tbh.
  8. Alolan Raichu is the way to go my dude. Tho if you really want to use normal Raichu then that's OK too I guess. Just that you should breed Volt Tackle onto it, because that is its best advantage over Alolan Raichu.
  9. Hmm I think all the roaming legendaries will probably be a hide & seek event, as Ame has not been using them for a while. I can't think of a place for Xerneas, but for Yvetal, maybe we'll get a chance to renovate the Wasteland and find Yvetal there.
  10. I recently bought a new computer and accidentally deleted my savefile, so I'm restarting my run. I'm planning a team consisting of these: Blastoise (mega, starter, special attacker) Eelektross (mixed) A-Exeggutor (mixed) Sigilyph (special attacker) Arcanine (physical attacker) Dusknoir (physical attacker) I wanna use often ignored Pokemon, so as to keep the whole spirit thing What do you guys think of them? Any improvements?
  11. Since Lord Chespin made a Mega out of a fat pink blob, I got on my thinking gear and... M-LICKILICKY *TYPE: Normal/Fairy. *STONE: Lickilickite. *ABILITY: Oblivious/Own Tempo/Cloud Nine ---> Numbing Solvent: Contact attacks have a 30% chance of Paralyzing the foe. *STATS: HP: 110. Attack: 115 (+30). Defense: 120 (+25). Sp.Atk: 100 (+20). Sp.Def: 120 (+25). Speed: 50. *NEW MOVES: Play Rough (Lv 45), Slack Off (Lv 34). Introducing.... M-Lickilicky the Wallbreaker! Dat 110/120/120 bulk is really good at making sure M-Lickilicky survives things, but 115 Atk is... meh. That is, before you realize it has Sword Dance. And Earthquake, Rock Slide, Gyro Ball, Zen Headbutt, Knock Off, Fire Blast... amongst other things. However, not all is good for Mr./Mrs. Longtounge, because things like M-Venusaur, M-Meta and Nihilego anihilates it. And because of the choices, it has serious case of 4MSS, maybe more than M-Metagross! It has to settle between Slack Off and Sword Dance and the aforementioned moves for 2 slots, so... yeah. *SETS:
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