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13 Fledgling

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  • Alias
    Colonel Mustard
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    The Netherlands

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  1. Hey, I hope someone could help me explain something. As I was battling the fourth gym leader, I used my Slush Rush Alolan Sandslash to try and beat the gym leader. Hail was up, so Slush Rush should be activated for my 93 speed Alolan Sandslash. So the description is that Slush Rush doubles the speed in the hail, so this should become a speed of 186, right? However, the pokémon of the gym leader outsped my Alolans Sandslash, while my Darmanitan (speed 151) outsped that very pokémon. So to me this does not make any sense. Is it possible that I misunderstood Slush Rush or that Slush Rush is not working as it should be? I'm not salty or anything, still beat the gym leader, but I was just wondering. Sorry for my cryptic description, I didn't want to include any spoilers
  2. Gen 1: Arcanine Gen 2: Crobat Gen 3: Camerupt Gen 4: Mamoswine Gen 5: Stoutland Gen 6: Delphox Gen 7: Dhelmise Gen 8: Flapple (Just by its looks, have not played this gen)
  3. Normal and sunny day: Stoutland Dodrio Snorlax Pidgeot (mega) Pyroar Heliolisk (solar power) Normal and rainy day: Stoutland Dodrio Bewear Kanghaskan (mega) Sawsbuck Heliolisk (dry skin)
  4. Is it me, or does Eldegoss look like some roselia-like Galar variant. I honestly thought that it would be a Galarian Roselia instead of a new pokemon when I first saw it.
  5. It's been a while, but I've been playing W101 till somewhere in Marleybone, I had the UK version. But then a new game came out, Pirate101 which I then started playing. I used to play myth class too, for the same reason also. But now, I prefer P101 more and I still sometimes play it.
  6. I want to mention to the people arguing that Grookey must be normal because so are the music/sound based attacks, it could also be a possibility that Grookey gains a hidden ability a la Primarina's Liquid Voice. It might just be that Grookey gets a hidden ability that changes sound based moves into grass type. I am also on team grass-rock (just a feeling I can't explain), and it would be cool to have some more special-based rock moves. Might be possible someone else mentioned this before, but I did not read that (I didn't read everything), but felt like pointing it out.
  7. I think the level-balance idea for big fights is a cool idea, but for me it feels weird when Faye has lv. 42 pokemon while she does not have the second gym badge yet and you need to fight her for the second gym. Other than that, I like the game so far. I am now before the 2nd gym, and this game hasn't bored me or anything. So keep up the good work!
  8. I just downloaded this game. I notice there is also an update that fixes some bugs, but is that also included in de game-download or do I need to download the update too?
  9. I'd say just go with what you want to use. Reborn just is not easy, so not going for a certain type because that type is harder is a bit of nonsense, just work around that disadvantage. I have a gen7 run in which i used Shiinotic a lot in the beginning and it was super helpfull. Later on i switched it for Tsareena, which did not dissapoint me either. I did not know how it would go, but it ended up as a good choice in usage. So my advise is, just got for it. Just try to get some extra converage with your other pokemons to help your venusaur.
  10. Cool ideas on the field effects. I am just worrying about the ice field that boosts some move x3. I mean that is a lot. And when i say a lot, i mean A LOT. Just kinda worrying that those moves have too much power in that field.
  11. Where did you find the soothe bell?
  12. The game is great, the graphics are stunning, but yesterday I had to stop playing because the game was becoming really slooooooww. I hope it's better now. I'd recommend playing it as soon as you have the time.
  13. That's strange? I am still playing for a while now. No errors to be seen here...
  14. Probably go for staryu. And boy, am I excited by it's release!!! The relic pokemon also look stunning, and I will aim to get that ambipom. Further than that, it's still undecided for me. @Zarc The starters are to be found on the reddit page or the twitter page. Here is a link to the twitter: https://twitter.com/pkmnPR
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