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    Wallaby 42, Sydney

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  1. you only need to stall bastiodon because of its crest (if you hit it you take damage, and a 1hp pokemon shouldnt take damage :P). Bronzong was down after 2-3 attacks.
  2. You can cheese this fight with just one pokemon!
  3. Suzuki

    e19 when

    omg its literally the end of an era
  4. Has anyone figured out what moves can A-Milotic learn through breeding?
  5. Suzuki

    an apology

    It's possible that if they released just the main story in episode 19, we'd never get to play the post-game. That's because a certain company in the past shut down a similar game when it got finished. Ame withholds the release till it's fully finished (post-game an all) for our sake. EDIT: sorry I just saw someone else had already replied your comment explaining the same thing
  6. That's the standard message you get for mons of different species. You'll still get eggs , you just gotta walk more because the chances of getting one are a little lower. PS: as long as you don't get a message that goes sth like " your pokemon prefer to play with other pokemon rather than each other" you're fine.
  7. Both are good. Personally I prefer Moxie, but If you don't plan on breeding Dragon Dance into it, and keeping your Scaggy as is, then Intimidate might be the better option. EDIT: i highly recommend you breed Dragon Dance and Drain Punch to your scraggy though
  8. 1.By beating 5 elite trainers you trigger an event that ultimately gets you a Deino egg. 2.Atm there's no purpose for them. 3. I remember how get the vendor that gets you heat rocks etc. and the one with ultra balls from north celia. I definetely have the one that has choice items but can;t recall how to get him. Are you sure you don't just pay with credits to get him? 4.No clue, I have the same problems, never seem to remember which key is which. 5.I think it's the begining of a sidequest, for me that whole building is blocked off now. Look around for Bill(?) in Blackview. 6. Yes, still unlockable.
  9. Not exactly a mechanic, but maybe something akin to combo moves. Kinda like how the pledge moves work with each other, For example in a double battle selecting Thunder for one of your mons and hurricane for another, would produce a different effect or attack alltogether. You could also take into account the move your opponent used.
  10. I think it's interesting and it could work, but it would take a lot of balancing. Maybe instead of a cooldown, the skills depend on an RNG for their accuracy (or both). After all, instructing your pokemon to dodge doesn't mean it will be able to do so. The skills could also be dependent on the happiness of the pokemon, their current hp, stats and or stat changes (it's hard to imagine a shuckle dodging an attack). But overall it's a really cool idea.
  11. That's weird, it didn't work for me. I even deleted all mods except the shared PC one, and it still crashes the game.
  12. You could even say you had... Super Luck I'll let myself out
  13. Buneary is not pat of an event, it is available at the Celia Docks Credit Store,
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