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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by MissMolly

  1. All of which would be greatly appreciated and loved ^^ I'm afraid since it's a new adventure, it won't be anything amazing in return. Right now i'm trying to get a good natured female bulbasaur...proving harder than I thought! Got a female shiny but terrible nature so far Just did some wt's and got a fomantis and a cherubi. So I won't need a cherubi anymore - though I still appreciate the offer
  2. I have a spiritomb spare if you still need it at all?
  3. So after a bit of hesitation, i've finally decided to give Mono-Grass another go especially now that there's the trade system! On a separate save file, i'm going to begin a mono grass challenge of the game starting with bulbasaur - my favourite pokemon! Any and all donations of beautiful grass type pokemon will be accepted. They don't need to have great ivs, great moves or anything like that. They just need to be a low-ish kind of level and if they have names, please don't give them any lewd nicknames. I love grass type pokemon too much to see them with bad names! Poke me on here or in the Reborn Discord (username is MissMolly on discord) and i'll happily hop on to give grass types a loving home. Thank you for taking the time to read my post! ~Molly
  4. Okie Dokie! It's 5pm where I am so I should be online in a few hours though it depends on if my body doesn't decide to die on me and force me to bed
  5. Thank you but someone was incredibly generous to give me all the pokemon I needed. The only one missing now is a lovely Skiddo ^^ Honestly, everyone just really nice here and I want to thank everyone who has offered and helped out. Such an amazing community Maybe one day i'll get the courage to attempt a mono grass run of Reborn again...maybe.
  6. Here is an updated list of what i'm still looking for! Axew Azurill Cottonee* Mareanie Pawniard Phantump Rockruff Shroomish Staryu Vulpix* (kanto form) Ponyta Cubone* Also new pokemon for trade! Ralts Mawile Frillish (once I get a ditto as I can't breed it just now as it's male) Heracross Aron Spiritomb Ducklett Magikarp (once I get a ditto) Scraggy Togepi Deerling Gastly
  7. Thanks very much! ^^ And also - thanks for the Amaura I got from you earlier today! Super cute. Enjoy the Mawile - it's good ivs with egg moves
  8. That's so strange, I did some wondertrades today and I got a shiny alolan vulpix from someone! It's strange to see it with drought But i'd love a gastly, if that's alright with you? My id is MissMolly and i'm on just now ^^
  9. Hi there! I'm wondering if there's anyone here who can trade me any of the following : Skiddo* Axew Azurill Cottonee* Gastly Larvesta* Mareanie Pawniard Phantump Rockruff Shroomish Staryu Togepi Vulpix* Ponyta Cubone* It's a fair list and I understand that it may be difficult to get some as they are all random per save file - many of them are from an egg you can pick up which is determined when you make the file. I love cute pokemon so any with * are priority. I have a few things I can trade in return with decent ivs such as : Ralts Mawile Frillish (once I get a ditto as I can't breed it just now as it's male) Heracross Aron Spiritomb Ducklett Magikarp (once I get a ditto) Thanks for reading and thanks also if you can help me out! IVs don't matter and i'd prefer a female of whatever it is you're able to give me - just so I can rebreed so it won't level too quickly and also so I can try for shiny ^^
  10. That would explain the 8 hours of resettig and not getting a bonus poke. I thought it wasn't just bad luck How do I go about getting the patched version? I downloaded this game just a day or two ago from the links provided. Nevermind! Got the patch downloaded and moves all the files from that unzipped folder into the rejuvenation file and replaced everything. Back to my resets I go! Hopefully now I won't have 15 shiny starters before a jackpot (not that I was going to find a jackpot starter on the unpatched version )
  11. Hi there! So i'm not sure if this is just me but I've been resetting for an hour now and keeping a tally of how many shiny starters I get or how often I get rare pokemon. But from the rare machine, I haven't gotten a gen 7 starter once. Are they rare also or has it not been coded for them to be distributed from the machine? I have noticed that when I interact with the machine and click yes, nothing happens : that perhaps being the gen 7 starter being chosen but not handed out? Not sure if that makes sense but thought to ask. Meanwhile, imma keep trying for Jangmo-o...because I want to breed for shiny some day. Its shiny is soooo good! <3 Actually, thinking about it now...if the gen 7 starters aren't being distributed (as I've kept track of how many times I've clicked yes to use the machine and got nothing from it)...does that mean Jangmo-o isn't being distributed also? D:
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