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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by FateVoid

  1. I don't know if has already been mentioned, but the game get stuck if you start a battle in speed up mode. Just wanted to mention this bug.
  2. i encountered a bug, after the second gym when going into the the market building, if you save the lady before her kid, then go save her kid, the guard will come back and block her from leaving soft-locking the game and preventing you from from helping her save her kid. Game.rxdata
  3. Can we get cut? I'm in lost woods and don't have cut, is this how its supposed to be? Ps. discord invite is invalid.
  4. I choose to hand over the magma stone, when i went to Caratos mountain, i could not encounter kyogre, so i went ahead and activated the calmness crystal and still cannot encounter kyogre. Is this normal if you chose to hand over stone? or is it a bug? Game.rxdata
  5. This is interesting i'm quite exited for it. My thoughts: For the the item limit, I have actually thought of this before for a Pokemon game, limiting the player to x amount of items in official battles. The problem i see that could happen would be getting soft locked in the later difficultly if you played wrong, but that's more player problem. Region Map update looks awesome, The maps is expansive especially for only 10(ish) gyms, so the question I have is how long do think the story is going to be? Something like reborn or rejuvenation length or more like insurgence length. How linear is the game? Will there be different endings and events happening depending on the player choice? I'm very happy with the difficulty levels as i generally chose the hardest difficultly when play a game. I was wondering if there would be in game benfits to choosing extreme mode? some like just getting access to ev/iv training a little bit early or something like that. Will your release a list of changes to Pokemon and move sets? like dryano did. Overall Game looks great already, Hope development goes well.
  6. (Not super game breaking but just wanted to let people know) This is less of a bug and more of a over site, but in the wispy ruins after the phantumps take you if you use an escape rope it will work and take you back to the entrance, you can then continue on ahead and not do the phantump section, the problem is that because it does not send you back down there if you did not get all the phantumps the entrance will still be closed so if you try to go back down there for any reason the passage is blocked permanently. was wondering if in the next version this could be fixed in some way, because i'm permanently prohibited from entering the phantump section, personally this problem doesn't bother me because i had collected everything down there before i used the rope. also something to think of if you faint down there and it sends you to the last heal point, does that mean your locked from going there again(This one i don't know as i have not tested it). Just wanted to let you guys know
  7. This is less of a bug and more of a over site, but in the wispy ruins after the phantumps take you if you use an escape rope it will work and take you back to the entrance, you can then continue on ahead and not do the phantump section, the problem is that because it does not send you back down there if you did not get all the phantumps the entrance will still be closed so if you try to go back down there for any reason the passage is blocked permanently. was wondering if in the next version this could be fixed in some way, because i'm permanently prohibited from entering the phantump section, personally this problem doesn't bother me because i had collected everything down there before i used the rope. also something to think of if you faint down there and it sends you to the last heal point, does that mean your locked from going there again(This one i don't know as i have not tested it). Just wanted to let you guys know
  8. Hey how do we get the fixes? for Pokemon rejuvenation 

  9. Just wanted to report this error i got, hope it helps you guys
  10. Just wanted to report this error i got, hope it helps you guys
  11. This bug is really minor, but when you petal dance on a pokemon with rough skin, you take damage, petal dance is a special move not physical. not sure if this is just an instance but i took rough skin damage when my venasuar used petal dance on a gabite
  12. I have gotten stuck in the daylight cavern after beating groudon, can someone please help, i saved in there accidentally, really don't want to restart. Game.rxdata
  13. I Have also Gotten Stuck in The Daylight cavern after beating groudon, can someone help me, i have gotten the daylight mirror, not sure if thats bad. Game.rxdata
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