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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Ravuri1

  1. Hey Posty, I did not use Scizor. I started a new save for episode 5. It is good to know Garret is going to receive a buff. I don't know if you answered this anywhere else. Did you give the opponent mons EVs?. I really liked your selection for the new starters and the changes for Hardy's and Amelia's teams. I had to struggle a bit fighting with Baron though. Are you aiming for a difficulty that is a bit below Reborn's difficulty?
  2. There was one more thought that I forgot to write down here: Hey Caz, Thank you so much for your reply. I understand it is difficult for devs to implement the balance. I also understand that there will be significant changes in future episodes and it is totally the decision of the devs to come up with what the difficulty of the game should be. Thank you for clarifying what you intend the difficulty of desolation to be. It is just that I struggled with the battles till Tristan and after that felt that the difficulty dropped drastically. I would say the availability of breeding, decent pokemons and ev training made it so. I am sorry if the talk of game difficulty hurt the dev team's feelings. I am eagerly waiting for episode 6 .
  3. I have already mentioned my team in a post above. In a sense, you are right: most of the opponents team rely on outspeeding and sweeping you. Ribombee is the fastest sticky web setter, and my strategy from the Electric gym till the end of the game has been the same, i.e. Set up sticky web and sweep. So I finished most of the story-important battles in a single try. I had to reset once or twice for random battles where I had some extreme type disadvantage and had to switch mons.
  4. If you do breeding, then you can also consider vileplume. You can breed strength sap to it which can be really useful and TM Sludge Bomb is also available.
  5. Here is my team. I didn't care about the nature. Bred some egg moves and did ev training: Ribombee (252 SpAtk, 252 Spd): Sticky Web Moonblast Pollen Puff Quiver Dance Mamoswine (252 Atk, 252 Spd): Icicle Crash Earthquake Ice Shard Thrash Dodrio (252 Atk, 252 Spd): Return Drill Peck Jump Kick Swords Dance Bewear (252 HP, 252 Atk): Hammer Arm Return Payback Baby-Doll Eyes Magmortar (252 SpAtk, 252 Spd): Flamethrower Sunny Day Clear Smog Fire Blast will replace a move with Focus Blast when I get the TM Decidueye (252 Atk, 252 Spd): Leaf Blade Spirit Shackle Brave Bird Sucker Punch ON ROTATION: Alolan Muk (252 HP, 252 Atk): Gunk Shot Minimize Crunch Knock Off Magnezone (252 SpAtk, 252 Spd): Flash Cannon Discharge Thunder Wave Tri Attack Starmie (252 HP, 252 SpAtk): Rapid Spin Hydro Pump Psychic Cosmic Power I had to do some breeding for the egg moves on Ribombee and Mamoswine. Sticky Web really paid off. Most of the battles, Ribombee would just lay sticky web and sacrifice itself for the rest of the team to sweep the opponent
  6. I felt she was actually nerfed. I remember getting sucker punched to death by honchkrow during my E4 run. I might also be a shitty player then lol.
  7. Aah, I see. I opted not to tell Tristan about the visions. I then forgot to see what his reaction would be if I told him. Good to know how he reacts. I would be ok with the difficulty if it was easy from the start, but it became very easy once Tristan's battle was done. I expected Garret's battle to be tough atleast, considering the fact that the player character spends most of his time in Celia with him and that is the battle most players would look forward to; but yeah, I felt a bit disappointed there.
  8. All power items, destiny knot and ditto will be available after Emily's gym but luckily before the 5th gym. I would advise you to save up on your credits as you would require a lot of investment.
  9. Is the Aurora's flashback you were referring to, the one in the archives? Yeah Tristan is still of a mystery to me, though and it is like the devs forgot about kuiki just like Shiv did lol.
  10. You cannot evolve charjabug and magneton in the generator room now. It has been shifted to another place.
  11. You need to beat Aaron to get Surf. He gives the TMX Surf after you defeat him.
  12. Hey how did you find the battles? I found post Tristan battles to be very easy and for me, this is the only disappointing thing with the game. The game intends you to get involved with the characters and I think a tough battle would help the player do that lol (For example: Shelly in reborn). Asking to know the opinion of a reborn dev .
  13. Thank you so much, I ended up finding this after searching all the building in Celia North
  14. I know this is too soon to ask. I see that you are planning to implement gen 8 mons and mechanices I guess, in future episodes. Since gen 8 does not have all the mons from previous generations, how will you adjust the Level up, TM/TR, breeding mechanics for pokemon which are not yet there in gen 8?
  15. Sorry for starting a new topic. I usually don't post stuff here, but I have become active recently to escape from all this lockdown and 2020 shit going on. I have just finished episode 5. I first played desolation about two years ago when I completed a run of Pokemon Reborn and was searching for similar games (I did not like rejuvenation, so please don't hate me for that). I stumbled upon a post in reddit that said that rejuvenation and desolation were the best games to play, if you were looking for a game like reborn, but desolation did not receive any update from many months and people were considering the project to be dead. I thought to give the game a shot even though there was the possibility of not seeing an update in the future. I really took a liking to the game. The beginning was very fresh, considering that reborn and rejuvenation start in a polluted urban setting. After the battle with Kuiki and our encounter with Shiv, I was hooked and decided to finish the game but the real plot point that got me hooked was Tristan. The end of episode 4 kept me wanting for more and I started checking the forums regularly for any updates. It took a long time, but yeah we finally got episode 5. Desolation has the best soundtrack of any fangames I have ever played. I think new mega forms were added which were not there in E4 I guess which were also awesome. I liked the ideas like a credit system which would cause different players to end up with different pokemons, items even though they played through the same sidequests and would also help in increasing the replay value I guess, The manor being the center of all operations and essential shopping, and the sidequests, which are not just a means to getting credits or new mons; The sidequests themselves have a great story like: Episode 5 was very good. The new artwork is really amazing and adds so much to story and characters. The story was definitely worth the wait (the ending especially) and I am so sad that I finished it too soon and now have to wait for episode 6. The things I did not like is that I felt the battles were made easier after Tristan. I remember struggling with Scarlett in Blackview and getting my ass whopped in the Amelia/Nova battle in Celia. Surprisingly I found those battles easy in my replay of episode 5. I found the episode 5 exclusive battles also to be easy. I don't know if I got better at playing these games or the devs intentionally reduced the difficulty. I also hate Blackview City and Celia North too. I felt that the all the one piece memes about zoro getting lost can be attributed to the mc in Blackview and Celia North lol. There are somethings in the story I would like to discuss... Sorry for such a long post.
  16. Ok guys, I have just completed episode 5 and yes, it was definitely worth the wait. Even though questions were answered, I am bit confused about many things...
  17. Try looking for any caves that you missed. I missed one cave at the part before the exit the first time I was playing through that area.
  18. It would be more comfortable if daycare was in Celia though. Even though you unlock it in Blackview, I don't guess anyone will start breeding till they get access to EV training items and Destiny knot. I don't think we get access to those before the manor. I hope the devs will consider this in future episodes .
  19. Hey, I have just got access to the manor. I like breeding pokemon for IVs and Movesets. What places do you usually use to walk off the required steps for hatching eggs? (Blackview is not as comfortable as Reborn city to have such strolls :p)
  20. When Hardy is about to send Zoroark, the prompt says Hardy is about to send "my last pokemon" but not "his last pokemon"
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