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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by HongaarseBeer

  1. just a quick note: it does if you @them For example, this is edited in afterwards: @Zarc
  2. You play with fire, my friend If you copy them into paint, you can change the size of the pictures to make them fit the upload limit
  3. You shouldn't get stuck. Just walk back across those tiles. It never kills all your mons, there will always be one left alive. I'm not sure if it already applies at that point, but you can control the panels with the 'a' button. The game is not broken at that point
  4. Hahaha, it's not, don't worry. The Abra line is just my favourite line, that's all
  5. Upvote for the use of Kadabra Don't you dare ever let him die!! Also, evolve him into an Alakazam when you can!
  6. That new Macklemore album though

  7. Not gonna lie, I don't really know anything about gen 7. So if it's up to me, I'd say just do what you think would be most interesting for the series
  8. I just woke up and I already miss my bed

  9. You need to be in Coral Ward to gain access to that. So no Grimer before the first gym for you I'm afraid.
  10. I really want to get a tattoo

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. HongaarseBeer


      Well, I don't really have anything with the Zelda games, so that probably won't ever happen

    3. Wolfox


      a Pokeball then

    4. HongaarseBeer


      Lol, that would look funny :D 


      But not really something I'd like to have on my body I'm afraid



  11. You'll like this: 


    1. Wolfox


      Not sure if I gotta thanks, upvote or like.

    2. HongaarseBeer


      Glad you liked it :) 

  12. Not sure if this is still accurate, but you can use it for help:
  13. Blackhead removers are soooo satisfying

  14. Have you already saved Luna? If so, go to the tree on the West in Vanhanen Labyrinth
  15. Sorry mate, don't have enough time to be able to actively participate in this one
  16. Happy Birthday Viri, have a good day and a good year ahead!
  17. You can also do a ground mono. It might be a bit difficult at the beginning, as there aren't that many ground types yet, but once you gain access to the cave under the grand stairway, you have a lot to choose from
  18. Look for a Moxie Mightyena. Or take a Prankster Espurr (male) from the event in Peridot Ward
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