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Everything posted by HongaarseBeer

  1. It's nice to follow a Hardcore run, as I've no knowledge of the Hardcore mod. I wish you the best of luck! How come you were able to catch a Tailow? I've never encountered one I believe (at least not that early in the game). And one request: could you do all the battles where there's a choice against the alternative team?
  2. I picked Abra!!! Just because it's my favourite line of all Pokémon and also because Alakazam always treats me well
  3. Happy Birthday Marcello! I hope you have a lovely day and a good year ahead
  4. Okay, I did the test. Not gonna lie, I think the BS-factor is rather high with this. I mean, who the hell has a favourite letter? But that's probably the case with most of these 'tests' Anyway, there you go
  5. It makes sense for people to immediately interrupt you if you start off with a conclusion or point of view that completely contradicts theirs. This happens a lot when I'm trying to convince my family by means of facts. My method of argumentation is usually like Answer 1. Since it opposes someone, he/she is likely to interrupt your argumentation because they just think that what you are saying (or will say in the rest of the argumentation) makes no sense. Because in their eyes, your conclusion makes no sense. So how could there possibly be structured arguments to back the conclusion? Now, this is only from my experience and I don't know if my experience represents the majority
  6. I just found out that Spotify has podcasts!!! 


    I'm so happy

  7. There should be a tutorial for the online things somewhere on the forum like you said. It's fairly straightforward to be fair, so you'll probably be fine. If not, you can always ask. Have fun finishing the story
  8. I'm afraid that as of now, it is not possible to catch (some) event pokemon before having finished the entire game, which is when all pokemon will probably be obtainable. So if you've missed Emolga and Shuppet, I fear that you will have to contact someone to trade them to you
  9. Not sure if it's a Flash game, but Swords and Sandals was epic
  10. Welcome to the forums, my friend
  11. Noooo, it is me. I have returned, only to disappear again. But only after summoning Amine
  12. I'd like to add Krookodile to that list, as well as the Nido-couple
  13. I think this is a great song, and a great video too


  14. I know that. I meant it in a way that even though it's optional, it doesn't necessarily have to be available to you from the point you reach Chrysolia Forest
  15. I think you'll gain access to it at some point in the story. The tree that's in front of the path should disappear once you approach it. It's in the southern part of the forest like you said. I'm not sure about any weather conditions though
  16. You can find Roggenrola in the Tanzan Mountain, which is after having beaten Shade if I'm not mistaken. You'll get there when the story gets you there
  17. Now, I agree with everything you said. However, this is incorrect. The trainers in the Grand Hall can be battled over and over. I believe this is the case as soon as you beat the first gym, but don't quote me on that. So if you need to do grinding, you can just battle them. They change every day and the cycle repeats itself every week
  18. I think the level caps are the game's way of making you use more Pokémon that you wouldn't generally use. Maybe to prevent people from just powering through the entire game with a team of over levelled Pokémon
  19. HongaarseBeer


    Well, if you're still on Ep. 15 you might want to update to Ep. 16. Then, if you go to the Beryl Cemetery you should find Simon there, next to Tara's (that's her name, right?) grave
  20. She doesn't, right? She only suffers from amnesia but she is still alive
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