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Everything posted by HongaarseBeer

  1. Why is it so cold already? :o 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Paul25


      Pls, Have a mercy on us....

      Ye god, give us cold.

      Anyway, That's nice Hongarr! :) 

    3. HongaarseBeer


      @Wolfoxthat's true, completely forgot about that. Oh boy :(  And there's so much rain too


      @Paul25 nah mate, that's not nice. It's too early to get this cold and windy. It's like we've already reached autumn. I need some suuun, for the Vitamin D :P 

    4. Paul25


      Oh! XD we have got enough vitamin D.

      A bit cold is good at a time but I don't like too much cold and I hate windy weather.

      Well..Take care!

      Don't get yourself caught in those winds and cold.


  2. That would be awesome though! That's honestly a very cool ending. Now, as for Radomus or El, I think you should side with Radomus. First of all, he's just a cool dude. Second, I don't like religious fanatics and El fits that description. I'm sure you can beat him (even without cheesing with DB or counter+sturdy). I beat him using endeavour and then I tanked a hit to just defeat it. Make sure El goes through his Full Heals first though!
  3. You can never have too many heart scales 

  4. According to the Item guide: Toxic Orb get the Silver Ring from Corey's room after he dies, use it to fight his Skuntank in Citrine Mountain F1, obtain the Silver Card behind the Skuntank, bring it to Corey's room and use it on the card reader to open a secret room with a Toxic Orb
  5. You also can't get the mystery egg anymore after the city is rebuilt
  6. Mega Alakazam!!! Gotta love Alakazam And yes, I have no knowledge of Megas at all
  7. Sigh... Today is going to be a loooong day

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. HongaarseBeer


      True. I already have issues falling asleep, but last night there was so much wind that something started hitting my door and there was nothing I could do about it. So I fell asleep at like 2, then woke up at 7. I also forgot to mention that my fire alarm started beeping continuously from out of nowhere whilst I was having breakfast... Best morning evaaaah

    3. Wolfox


      maybe the alarm wanted to help wake your brain up instantly?

    4. HongaarseBeer


      Lol, who knows. It surely succeeded

  8. I think you should defeat Solaris (no matter how many tries it takes). Simply because you have a lot of mons to choose from, so it should definitely be possible to think of a strategy that can bring you the victory
  9. By the way @Filthy Casual I think you should slow down with obtaining new mons. It just leads to you having a lot of mons but being unable to use them because there's no way you can maintain 24 mons (as of now) at the needed level. Maybe just use one new mon every gym (also counting non-gym leaders like Corey etc) just so the mons you add actually have some use
  10. You need 3 dark materials for it to summon it I believe. But the third one will become available at some point in the story. It's not legitimately available as of yet
  11. Happy Birthday!! Have a good day and an equally good year!
  12. There's a maximum of 15 volunteers to find and the rewards xe gives you depend on how many you find
  13. It surprises me just how awkward I can be at greeting people I know and saying goodbye to them

    1. Zargerth


      I can relate to this.

    2. HongaarseBeer


      @Zargerth Glad I'm not the only one

    3. Wolfox
  14. Damn man, you went so quickly through this run so far Anyway, I'm enjoying it a lot! But what exactly do you mean with 'the end of season 1'? Will you pause this run for an x amount of time?
  15. I'll just end my current mono run if Ep.17 is released before that. Otherwise/afterwards, I'll probably start a new mono
  16. I'm so glad you actually used my suggestion for Turtwig to name him Bonsai
  17. That's strange. I can't think of any requirements that you need to fulfil for them to appear I'm afraid, I'm sorry I can't help you any further
  18. I believe they should always be there. Have you been to the right place in the museum? Bottom left on the ground floor?
  19. Can Ground type pokemon get poisoned?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. HongaarseBeer


      I finally beat it!!


      This is actually the first time that I managed to beat it for some reason. DB, Perish Song and other cheese methods never came to mind in previous runs for some reason...

    3. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Can Poison type Pokemon get grounded? 

    4. EndearingCharacterTrait


      ^asking the hard questions 

  20. I kind of had the same issue when I had to make a choice as you do now. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do and to be honest, I wasn't interested in anything. There wasn't a study that both interested me and that I could do (as in, I had the right subjects for it in secondary school), so I was quite lost. I made my mind up less than two months before the application deadline, which is considered late... I chose the broadest economic study I could find because I still wasn't sure what I had to do. I knew it was going to be something economic, but only God knew what exactly. The fact that I had another entire year to make my definitive decision was very welcome because even at the end of my first year at uni I still wasn't entirely sure what to do. It was going to be either accounting or business administration. Eventually, I chose to follow the accounting track, because it seemed to me that I would have a better-defined skill set that would benefit me later on in my career. So my story is basically postponing the decision as much as possible while still keeping my options open
  21. Not sure how I feel about the new Thirty Seconds to Mars single

    1. Anime
    2. HongaarseBeer


      Actually, after having listened to it several times, I like it a lot. Can't wait for the rest of the album :D  

    3. Anime


      then i'll have to listen to it a few more times i mean i just didnt get the lyrics but i'll give it another try

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