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  1. can i testing this fan made game s demo i would be happy to helping with this
  2. can you help me i got 4 crests now and the latest zone i reached is route 5 i dont know how to cross the water there and how to get item for it can you tell me how do i get it and the item to rock smashing these 2 items are missing for me
  3. the game crashed at the cazino after i spoke to who giving digimons might wanna check out the another npcs are working there i reached route 5 already but its clear i must to find way to cross the water do you know how i can get the item to cross the water also could somone sugget me a sixth digimon to add i am just not sure who i got ageiochusmon greymon galemon teslajellymon and betelgammamon so i would have attributes of electric fire wind water and light how i get greymon to shinegreymon can somone help with this
  4. how can I develop my loogamon to solloogarmon? Iam trying to get a fenrirloogarmon and currently my loggamon have higher attack and do I need higher attack or defense to getting gammamon to evolve to betelgammamon? also I think when I tried to develop koromon it evolved to black agumon instead to agumon is it beacuse of the time of day? note I tried to getting the regular agumon (I recall it's vaccine in comparison to black agumon which is virus)
  5. how can i get jupitermon warth mode
  6. i cant understand the game and is the linked version shared here or only in discord if not i sugget to sharing it and in english if possible i cant understand the text at all and i dont think the pokemon text file is aviable so you should share the updated file too
  7. What version thus game is now? I think I may have tried it's latest 1 but couldn't play it anymore
  8. Hi I am sorry but think the pc in my game couldn't run this game if you were offended I am sorry again i am reverting this so I am sorry I obviously didn't meant to offended and realy sorry about this
  9. Couldn't play this game likley beacuse of the pc I use in my home jf you were offended beacuse of this I am again I didn't meant this and realy sorry about and realy regret this if you were offended again I am sorry jf you were offended
  10. Hi I tried to playing this game but couldn't actually playing it most likley beacuse of the pc in my home if you were offended I am sorry again I didn't meant to offended and sorry about this I am really regerting this if you were offended and realt sorry about this
  11. Hi I tried this game an ever since v4 I can't play it most likley beacuse of the pc I use in my home if any of you were offended I am again I didn't meant this so I am sorry i realy regret this if you were offended and sorry in case you were offended
  12. I think thus game can't work with the pc in my home if it offended who made this I am sorry again i didn't meant to this if you were offended again I am sorry and again I realy regret this and realy sorry about this
  13. I remember j used to testing this game but couldn't anymore must be since the pc can't run it if you were offended in any way I am sorry again I didn't meant to offend so I am sorry and I regret if I did
  14. Hi I think I tried to run this game but it didn't worked if you were offended by me in anyway I am sorry again I am sorry and I didn't meant this it's most likley the pc which can't run it again I didn't meant to offend
  15. Hi I think this game couldn't run in the pc I use in my home I am sorry if it's offended you in any way again I am sorry as it wasn't my intent and it's likely the pc in my home s fault again I am sorry about this
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